Visit Other Libraries for Material Use

Visit Other Libraries for Material Use

If you want to use materials owned by other university libraries, use them after printing out the “Request of Visiting Other Libraries for Material Use” and presenting it with your ID at the relevant library.

Target and Range of use

Target Range of use
Enrolled students, faculty/staff Material access in other university resource rooms (Book borrowing and using reading rooms are not allowed.)
※ To use reading rooms during vacation, refer to “Visit Other Libraries’ Reading Rooms”.

How to use

  1. Fill out the information to apply
  2. Print out the “ Other University Data Access Request” at the request status
  3. Visit the relevant library and use materials ※ Make sure to take your student ID (other ID)

  • To visit another university library, make sure to present the “Other University Data Access Request” and your ID together.
  • The Other University Data Access Request is applicable only once for a visit, so it should be issued for each visit.
  • Materials can be used only within the premises and external borrowing and use of reading rooms are not allowed.
  • You have to follow regulations of the library that you are using. If not, you can be punished for violations of the library regulations.

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