How to Donate

Donation Guide

  • We are accepting donations of books and other materials from individuals and groups internal and external to the university so that we can develop our collection and provide various information for users.
  • Donation of materials suitable for academic libraries is of great help to users’ research and studies.

Guidelines for Donations

Materials that can be donated Materials that cannot be donated
  1. Materials required for university’s research and study activities
  2. Materials published by the government, government-funded institutions and public organizations
  3. Materials of high academic and historical value
  4. Other materials
  1. Materials already owned by our libraries
  2. Materials in violation of copyrights or with unclear bibliographies
  3. Stained or damaged materials
  4. Others that do not meet the standards of our libraries

How to Donate

  • On-Campus Donation: on-campus mail or visits
  • From the Busan area and other regions: visits or parcel delivery service
  • Address for donation: Academic Information Support Division, Dong-A University Library, 37. 550 beon-gil (Hadan-dong), Nakdong-daero, Saha-gu, Busan Metropolitan City
  • Tel. 051) 200-6257

Donation Process

  1. Donation request
  2. Material acceptance
  3. Material screening
  4. Material registration
  5. Honoring donors

※Unregistered materials after the screening will be redonated, discarded or returned.


  • Letters of appreciation and gifts will be sent to donors.
  • When the number of registered donations is more than 500 volumes or evaluated as amounting to more than KRW 5 million,
    • Their nameplates will be attached on the library buildings with registration in Cyber Memorial Collection.
    • Letters of appreciation and gifts will be sent.
  • When the number of registered donations is more than 200 volumes or evaluated to be worth more than KRW 2 million,
    • Letters of appreciation and gifts will be sent.

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