

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 12건 | List 10~20

  • 11 .
    Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease
    by Borghini, Lisa; Png, Eileen; Binder, Alexander; Wright, Victoria J; Pinnock, Ellie, et al. 
    Scientific Reports, 9(1). Nature Publishing Group
    Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
    Scientific Reports, 9
    Scientific reports, 9(1):6966. Nature Publishing Group
    Scientific Reports, 9:6966. Nature Publishing Group
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, No 1 (2019) P. 6966
    Scientific Reports
    r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
    Scientific Reports, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-15 (2019)
    r-IIS La Fe. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
    Borghini, Lisa; Png, Eileen; Binder, Alexander; Wright, Victoria J; Pinnock, Ellie; de Groot, Ronald; Hazelzet, Jan; Emonts, Marieke; Van der Flier, Michiel; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Anderson, Suzanne; Secka, Fatou; Salas, Antonio; Fink, Colin; Carrol, Enitan D; Pollard, Andrew J; Coin, Lachlan J; Kuijpers, Taco W; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Zenz, Werner; ... (2019). Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 6966. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-43292-6
    Borghini, L, Png, E, Binder, A, Wright, V J, Pinnock, E, de Groot, R, Hazelzet, J, Emonts, M, Van der Flier, M, Schlapbach, L J, Anderson, S, Secka, F, Salas, A, Fink, C, Carrol, E D, Pollard, A J, Coin, L J, Kuijpers, T W, Martinon-Torres, F, Zenz, W, Levin, M, Hibberd, M L, Davila, S, Gormley, S, Hamilton, S, Herberg, J, Hourmat, B, Hoggart, C, Kaforou, M, Sancho-Shimizu, V, Abdulla, A, Agapow, P, Bartlett, M, Bellos, E, Eleftherohorinou, H, Galassini, R, Inwald, D, Mashbat, M, Menikou, S, Mustafa, S, Nadel, S, Rahman, R, Thakker, C, Bokhandi, S, Power, S, Barham, H, Pathan, N, Ridout, J, White, D, Thurston, S, Faust, S, Patel, S, McCorkell, J, Davies, P, Cratev, L, Navarra, H, Carter, S, Ramaiah, R, Patel, R, Tuffrey, C, Gribbin, A, McCready, S, Peters, M, Hardy, K, Standing, F, O’Neill, L, Abelake, E, Deep, A, Nsirim, E, Willis, L, Young, Z, Royad, C, White, S, Fortune, P M, Hudnott, P, González, F Á, Barral-Arca, R, Cebey-López, M, Curras-Tuala, M J, García, N, Vicente, L G, Gómez-Carballa, A, Rial, J G, Beiroa, A G, Grande, A J, Iglesias, P L, Santos, A E M, Martinón-Torres, N, Sánchez, J M M, Pérez, B M, Pacheco, P O, Pardo-Seco, J, Pischedda, S, Calle, I R, Rodríguez-Tenreiro, C, Redondo-Collazo, L, Fernández, S S, Silva, M D S P, Vega, A, Reyes, S B, León, M C L, Mingorance, Á N, Barrios, X G, Vergara, E O, Torre, A C, Vivanco, A, Fernández, R, Sánchez, F G, Forte, M S, Rojo, P, Contreras, J R, Palacios, A, Navarro, M, Álvarez, C Á, Lozano, M J, Carreras, E, Sanagustín, S B, Neth, O, Padilla, M D C M, Tato, L M P, Guillén, S, Silveira, L F, Moreno, D, van Furth, A M T, van der Flier, M, Boeddha, N P, Driessen, G J A, Pajkrt, D, Sanders, E A M, van de Beek, D, van der Ende, A, Philipsen, H L A, Adeel, A O A, Breukels, M A, Brinkman, D M C, de Korte, C C M M, de Vries, E, de Waal, W J, Dekkers, R, Dings-Lammertink, A, Doedens, R A, Donker, A E, Dousma, M, Faber, T E, Gerrits, G P J M, Gerver, J A M, Heidema, J, Homan-van der Veen, J, Jacobs, M A M, Jansen, N J G, Kawczynski, P, Klucovska, K, Kneyber, M C J, Koopman-Keemink, Y, Langenhorst, V J, Leusink, J, Loza, B F, Merth, I T, Miedema, C J, Neeleman, C, Noordzij, J G, Obihara, C C, van Overbeek-van Gils, A L T, Poortman, G H, Potgieter, S T, Potjewijd, J, Rosias, P P R, Sprong, T, ten Tussher, G W, Thio, B J, Tramper-Stranders, G A, van Deuren, M, van der Meer, H, van Kuppevelt, A J M, van Wermeskerken, A M, Verwijs, W A, Wolfs, T F W, Agyeman, P, Aebi, C, Berger, C, Giannoni, E, Stocker, M, Posfay-Barbe, K M, Heininger, U, Bernhard-Stirnemann, S, Niederer-Loher, A, Kahlert, C, Hasters, P, Relly, C, Baer, W, Paulus, S, Frederick, H, Jennings, R, Johnston, J, Kenwright, R, Agbeko, R, Bojang, K, Sarr, I, Kebbeh, N, Sey, G, Saidykhan, M, Cole, F, Thomas, G, Antonio, M, Walcher, W, Geishofer, G, Klobassa, D, Martin, M, Pfurtscheller, K, Reiter, K, Rödl, S, Zobel, G, Zöhrer, B, Töpke, B, Fucik, P, Gabriel, M, Penzien, J M, Diab, G, Miething, R, Deeg, K H, Hammer, J, Heininger, U, Varnholt, V, Schmidt, A, Bindl, L, Sillaber, U, Huemer, C, Meier, P, Simic-Schleicher, G, Markart, M, Pfau, E, Broede, H, Ausserer, B, Kalhoff, H, Arpe, V, Schweitzer-Krantz, S, Kasper, J M, Loranth, K, Bittrich, H J, Simma, B, Klinge, J, Fedlmaier, M, Weigand, N, Herting, E, Grube, R, Fusch, C, Gruber, A, Schimmel, U, Knaufer-Schiefer, S, Lässig, W, Hennenberger, A, von der Wense, A, Tillmann, R, Schwarick, J, Sitzmann, F C, Streif, W, Müller, H, Kurnik, P, Groneck, P, Weiss, U, Gröblacher-Roth, H, Bensch, J, Moser, R, Schwarz, R, Lenz, K, Hofmann, T, Göpel, W, Schulz, D, Berger, T, Hauser, E, Förster, K M, Peters, J, Nicolai, T H, Kumlien, B, Beckmann, R, Seitz, C, Hüseman, D, Schürmann, R, Ta, V H, Weikmann, E, Evert, W, Hautz, J, Seidenberg, J, Wocko, L, Luigs, P, Reiter, H L, Quietzach, J, König, M, Herrmann, J, Mitter, H, Seidler, E, Maak, B, Sperl, W, Zwiauer, K, Meissl, M, Koch, R, Cremer, M, Breuer, H A, Görke, W, Nossal, R, Pernice, W, Brangenberg, R, Salzer, H R, Koch, H, Schaller, G, Paky, F, Straßer, F, Eitelberger, F, Sontheimer, D, Lischka, A, Kronberger, M, Dilch, A, Scheibenpflug, C, Bruckner, R, Mahler, K, Runge, K, Kunze, W, Schermann, P & EUCLIDS consortium 2019, ' Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease ', Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 6966 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43292-6
    Scientific Reports, 9(1):6966. Nature Publishing Group
    Minerva. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • 17 .
    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children
    by Wang, Xinzhu; Nijman, Ruud; Camuzeaux, Stephane; Sands, Caroline; Jackson, Heather, et al. 
    Scientific Reports, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-13 (2019)
    Wang, Xinzhu; Nijman, Ruud; Camuzeaux, Stephane; Sands, Caroline; Jackson, Heather; Kaforou, Myrsini; Emonts, Marieke; Herberg, Jethro A; Maconochie, Ian; Carrol, Enitan D; Paulus, Stephane C; Zenz, Werner; Van der Flier, Michiel; de Groot, Ronald; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Pollard, Andrew J; Fink, Colin; Kuijpers, Taco T; Anderson, Suzanne; ... (2019). Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 17714. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-53721-1
    r-IIS La Fe. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
    Scientific Reports, 9(1):17714. Nature Publishing Group
    Scientific Reports
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, No 1 (2019) P. 17714
    Wang, X, Nijman, R, Camuzeaux, S, Sands, C, Jackson, H, Kaforou, M, Emonts, M, Herberg, J A, Maconochie, I, Carrol, E D, Paulus, S C, Zenz, W, van der Flier, M, de Groot, R, Martinon-Torres, F, Schlapbach, L J, Pollard, A J, Fink, C, Kuijpers, T T, Anderson, S, Lewis, M R, Levin, M, McClure, M & EUCLIDS consortium 2019, ' Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children ', Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 17714 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-53721-1, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-53721-1
    Scientific Reports, 9:17714. Nature Publishing Group
    Scientific Reports, 9(1), 17714. Nature Publishing Group
    Scientific Reports, 9
    Scientific reports, 9(1):17714. Nature Publishing Group
    r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
    Scientific reports 9, 17714 (2019). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53721-1
    Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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