

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 1건 | List 1~10

  • 1 .
    Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury : deriving value sets for the QOLIBRI-OS for Italy, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom
    by Voormolen, DC; Polinder, S; von Steinbuechel, N; Feng, Y; Wilson, L, et al. 
    Voormolen, D C, Polinder, S, von Steinbuechel, N, Feng, Y, Wilson, L, Oppe, M, Haagsma, J A, Åkerlund, C, Adams, H, Amrein, K, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M L, Bartels, R, Barzó, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B M, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M R, Cameron, P, Lozano, G C, Carbonara, M, Castaño-León, A M, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Cnossen, M, Coburn, M, Fabricius, M, Kondziella, D, Nelson, D & the CENTER-TBI participants and investigators 2020, ' Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury : deriving value sets for the QOLIBRI-OS for Italy, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom ', Quality of Life Research, vol. 29, pp. 3095–3107 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-020-02583-6
    Quality of Life Research, 29(11), 3095-3107. Springer, Cham
    Voormolen, D C, Polinder, S, von Steinbuechel, N, Feng, Y, Wilson, L, Oppe, M, Haagsma, J A, Ylén, P & CENTER-TBI participants and investigators 2020, ' Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury: deriving value sets for the QOLIBRI-OS for Italy, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom ', Quality of Life Research, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 3095-3107 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-020-02583-6
    Quality of life research, Dordrecht : Springer, 2020, vol. 29, p. 3095-3107
    Quality of Life Research
    Quality of Life Research, 29. SPRINGER
    Quality of Life Research, 29, 3095-3107. Springer Netherlands
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