

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 9건 | List 1~10

  • 7 .
    No genetic association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson's disease in nine ADHD candidate SNPs
    by Geissler, Julia M; Romanos, Marcel; Sheerin, Una-Marie; Scheffer, Hans; Shaw, Karen, et al. 
    ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9(2), 121-127
    ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 9(2), 121-127 (2017). doi:10.1007/s12402-017-0219-8
    ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9(2), 121-127. Springer Wien
    Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9, 121-127
    Geissler, J M, Schulte, C, Berg, D & International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium members 2017, ' No genetic association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease in nine ADHD candidate SNPs ', ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 121-127 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s12402-017-0219-8
    Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9, 2, pp. 121-127
  • 7 .
    Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption
    by Consortium, Coffee and Caffeine Genetics; Cornelis, Marilyn C; Renstrom, Frida; Rasheed, Asif; Mason, Marc A, et al. 
    Molecular Psychiatry, 20(5), 647-656. Nature Publishing Group
    Molecular Psychiatry, 20, 647-56
    Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 647-656
    Molecular Psychiatry, 20, 647-656
    Europe PubMed Central
    Molecular psychiatry 20(5), 647-656 (2014). doi:10.1038/mp.2014.107
    Molecular Psychiatry, 20, 5, pp. 647-656
    Cornelis, M C, Byrne, E M, Esko, T, Nalls, M A, Ganna, A, Paynter, N, Monda, K L, Amin, N, Fischer, K, Renstrom, F, Ngwa, J S, Huikari, V, Cavadino, A, Nolte, I M, Teumer, A, Yu, K, Marques-Vidal, P, Rawal, R, Manichaikul, A, Wojczynski, M K, Vink, J M, Zhao, J H, Burlutsky, G, Lahti, J, Mikkilä, V, Lemaitre, R N, Eriksson, J, Musani, S K, Tanaka, T, Geller, F, Luan, J, Hui, J, Mägi, R, Dimitriou, M, Garcia, M E, Ho, W K, Wright, M J, Rose, L M, Magnusson, P K E, Pedersen, N L, Couper, D, Oostra, B A, Hofman, A, Ikram, M A, Tiemeier, H, Uitterlinden, A G, van Rooij, F J A, Barroso, I, Johansson, I, Xue, L, Kaakinen, M, Milani, L, Power, C, Snieder, H, Stolk, R P, Baumeister, S E, Biffar, R, Gu, F, Bastardot, F, Kutalik, Z, Jacobs, D R, Forouhi, N G, Mihailov, E, Lind, L, Lindgren, C, Michaëlsson, K, Morris, A, Jensen, M, Khaw, K T, Luben, R N, Wang, J J, Männisto, S, Perälä, M M, Kähönen, M, Lehtimäki, T, Viikari, J, Mozaffarian, D, Mukamal, K, Psaty, B M, Döring, A, Heath, A C, Montgomery, G W, Dahmen, N, Carithers, T, Tucker, K L, Ferrucci, L, Boyd, H A, Melbye, M, Treur, J L, Mellström, D, Hottenga, J J, Prokopenko, I, Tönjes, A, Deloukas, P, Kanoni, S, Lorentzon, M, Houston, D K, Liu, Y, Danesh, J, Rasheed, A, Mason, M A, Zonderman, A B, Franke, L, Kristal, B S, Karjalainen, J, Reed, D R, Westra, H J, Evans, M K, Saleheen, D, Harris, T B, Dedoussis, G, Curhan, G, Stumvoll, M, Beilby, J, Pasquale, L R, Feenstra, B, Bandinelli, S, Ordovas, J M, Chan, A T, Peters, U, Ohlsson, C, Gieger, C, Martin, N G, Waldenberger, M, Siscovick, D S, Raitakari, O, Eriksson, J G, Mitchell, P, Hunter, D J, Kraft, P, Rimm, E B, Boomsma, D I, Borecki, I B, Loos, R J F, Wareham, N J, Vollenweider, P, Caporaso, N, Grabe, H J, Neuhouser, M L, Wolffenbuttel, B H R, Hu, F B, Hyppönen, E, Järvelin, M R, Cupples, L A, Franks, P W, Ridker, P M, van Duijn, C M, Heiss, G, Metspalu, A, North, K E, Ingelsson, E, Nettleton, J A, van Dam, R M & Chasman, D I 2015, ' Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 647-656 . https://doi.org/10.1038/mp.2014.107
    Molecular psychiatry, 20(5), 647-656. Nature Publishing Group
    Berendse, H W, Dijk, K D V & IFGC (International FTD-Genomics Consortium), IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium) 2015, ' Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 647-656 . https://doi.org/10.1038/mp.2014.107
    Molecular Psychiatry, 20, 5, pp. 647-56
  • 7 .
    Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing
    by Jansen, Iris E; Ye, Hui; Gibbs, J Raphael; Illig, Thomas; Jónsson, Pálmi V, et al. 
    Genome Biology, 18:22
    Genome Biology, 18, 1, pp. 22
    Genome Biology, 18(22). BMC
    Jansen, I E, Ye, H, Heetveld, S, Lechler, M C, Michels, H, Seinstra, R I, Lubbe, S J, Drouet, V, Lesage, S, Majounie, E, Gibbs, J R, Nalls, M A, Ryten, M, Botia, J A, Vandrovcova, J, Simon-Sanchez, J, Castillo-Lizardo, M, Rizzu, P, Blauwendraat, C, Chouhan, A K, Li, Y, Yogi, P, Amin, N, van Duijn, C M, (IPGDC), I P D G C, Morris, H R, Brice, A, David, D C, Singleton, A B, Nollen, E A, Jain, S, Shulman, J M, Heutink, P, Burn, D J, Walker, R & Morrison, K 2017, ' Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing ', Genome biology, vol. 18, no. 22, pp. 1-26 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1147-9
    Genome Biology
    Jansen, I E, Ye, H, Heetveld, S, Lechler, M C, Michels, H, Seinstra, R I, Lubbe, S, Drouet, V, Lesage, S, Majounie, E, Gibbs, J R, Nalls, M A, Ryten, M, Botia, J A, Vandrovcova, J, Simon-Sanchez, J, Castillo-Lizardo, M, Rizzu, P, Blauwendraat, C, Chouhan, A K, Li, Y, Yogi, P, Amin, N, van Duijn, C M, Morris, H R, Brice, A, Singleton, A B, David, D C, Nollen, E A, Jain, S, Shulman, J M, Heutink, P & International Parkinson's Disease Genetics Consortium (IPGDC) 2017, ' Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing ', Genome Biology, vol. 18, no. 1, 22 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1147-9
    Genome Biology, 18
    Genome biology 18(1), 22 (2017). doi:10.1186/s13059-017-1147-9
    Genome Biology, 18, 22
    Genome Biology, 18(1):22. BioMed Central Ltd.
    Genome biology, 18(1):22. BioMed Central
    Jansen, I E, Ye, H, Heetveld, S, Lechler, M C, Michels, H, Seinstra, R I, Lubbe, S J, Drouet, V, Lesage, S, Majounie, E, Gibbs, J R, Nalls, M A, Ryten, M, Botia, J A, Vandrovcova, J, Simon-Sanchez, J, Castillo-Lizardo, M, Rizzu, P, Blauwendraat, C, Chouhan, A K, Li, Y, Yogi, P, Amin, N, van Duijn, C M, Morris, H R, Brice, A, Singleton, A B, David, D C, Nollen, E A, Jain, S, Shulman, J M, Heutink, P, Hernandez, D G, Arepalli, S, Brooks, J, Price, R, Nicolas, A, Chong, S, Cookson, M R, Dillman, A, Moore, M, Traynor, B J, Singleton, A B, Plagnol, V, Nicholas W Wood, W W, Sheerin, U M, Jose M Bras, M B, Charlesworth, G, Gardner, M, Guerreiro, R, Trabzuni, D, Hardy, J, Sharma, M, Saad, M, Javier Simón-Sánchez, S-S, Schulte, C, Corvol, J C, Dürr, A, Vidailhet, M, Sveinbjörnsdóttir, S, Barker, R, Caroline H Williams-Gray, H W-G, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Berendse, H W, van Dijk, K D, Berg, D, Brockmann, K, Wurster, I, Mätzler, W, Gasser, T, Martinez, M, de Bie, R M A, Biffi, A, Velseboer, D, Bloem, B, Post, B, Wickremaratchi, M, van de Warrenburg, B, Bochdanovits, Z, Bonin, M, Pétursson, H, Riess, O, Burn, D J, Lubbe, S, Cooper, J M, McNeill, A, Schapira, A, Lungu, C, Chen, H, Dong, J, Chinnery, P F, Hudson, G, Clarke, C E, Moorby, C, Counsell, C, Damier, P, Dartigues, J F, Deloukas, P, Edkins, S, Hunt, S E, Tashakkori-Ghanbaria, A, Deuschl, G, Lorenz, D, Dexter, D T, Durif, F, Evans, J R, Langford, C, Foltynie, T, Goate, A, Harris, C, van Hilten, J J, Hofman, A, Hollenbeck, A, Holton, J, Hu, M, Huang, X, Illig, T, Jónsson, P V, Lambert, J C, O'Sullivan, S S, Revesz, T, Shaw, K, Lees, A, Lichtner, P, Limousin, P, Lopez, G, Escott-Price, V, Pearson, J, Williams, N, Mudanohwo, E, Perlmutter, J S, Pollak, P, Rivadeneira, F, Uitterlinden, A G, Sawcer, S, Scheffer, H, Shoulson, I, Shulman, J, Smith, C, Walker, R, Spencer, C C A, Strange, A, Stefánsson, H, Bettella, F, Stefánsson, K, Stockton, J D, Talbot, K, Tanner, C M, Tison, F, Winder-Rhodes, S & Bhatia, K 2017, ' Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing ', Genome Biology, vol. 18, no. 1, 22 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1147-9
  • 7 .
    Genetic comorbidities in Parkinson's disease
    by Nalls, Mike A; Saad, Mohamad; Morris, Huw R; Mudanohwo, Ese; O'Sullivan, Sean S, et al. 
    Human Molecular Genetics, 23, 3, pp. 831-41
    Human Molecular Genetics, 23, 831-41
    Human molecular genetics, 23(3), 831-841. Oxford University Press
    Human Molecular Genetics, 23(3), 831-841
    Human molecular genetics 23(3), 831-841 (2013). doi:10.1093/hmg/ddt465
    Human Molecular Genetics, 23(3), 831-841. Oxford University Press
  • 7 .
    Using genome-wide complex trait analysis to quantify 'missing heritability' in Parkinson's disease
    by Keller, Margaux F; Saad, Mohamad; Schulte, Claudia; Limousin, Patricia; Lopez, Grisel, et al. 
    Human Molecular Genetics, 21, 22, pp. 4996-5009
    Keller, M F, Saad, M, Bras, J, Bettella, F, Nicolaou, N, Simon-Sanchez, J, Mittag, F, Buchel, F, Sharma, M, Gibbs, J R, Schulte, C, Moskvina, V, Durr, A, Holmans, P, Kilarski, L L, Guerreiro, R, Hernandez, D G, Brice, A, Ylikotila, P, Stefansson, H, Majamaa, K, Morris, H R, Williams, N, Gasser, T, Heutink, P, Wood, N W, Hardy, J, Martinez, M, Singleton, A B & Nalls, M A 2012, ' Using genome-wide complex trait analysis to quantify 'missing heritability' in Parkinson's disease ', Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 21, no. 22, pp. 4996-5009 . https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/dds335
    Human molecular genetics, 21(22), 4996-5009. Oxford University Press
    Human molecular genetics 21(22), 4996-5009 (2012). doi:10.1093/hmg/dds335
    Human Molecular Genetics, 21(22), 4996-5009. Oxford University Press
    Human Molecular Genetics, 21, 4996-5009
  • 7 .
    Imputation of sequence variants for identification of genetic risks for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies
    by Consortium, International Parkinson Disease Genomics; Nalls, Michael A; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Sigurlaug; Pollak, Pierre; Post, Bart, et al. 
    The lancet 377(9766), 641-649 (2011). doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62345-8
    Nalls, M A, Plagnol, V, Hernandez, D G, Sharma, M, Sheerin, U M, Saad, M, Simon-Sanchez, J, Schulte, C, Lesage, S, Sveinbjornsdottir, S, Arepalli, S, Barker, R, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Berendse, H W, Berg, D, Bhatia, K, de Bie, R M A, Biffi, A, Bloem, B, Bochdanovits, Z, Bonin, M, Bras, J M, Brockmann, K, Brooks, J, Burn, D J, Charlesworth, G, Chen, H L, Chinnery, P F, Chong, S, Clarke, C E, Cookson, M R, Cooper, J M, Corvol, J C, Counsell, C, Damier, P, Dartigues, J F, Deloukas, P, Deuschl, G, Dexter, D T, van Dijk, K D, Dillman, A, Durif, F, Durr, A, Edkins, S, Evans, J R, Foltynie, T, Gao, J J, Gardner, M, Gibbs, J R, Goate, A, Gray, E, Guerreiro, R, Gustafsson, O, Harris, C, van Hilten, J J, Hofman, A, Hollenbeck, A, Holton, J, Hu, M, Huang, X M, Huber, H, Hudson, G, Hunt, S E, Huttenlocher, J, Illig, T, Jonsson, P V, Lambert, J C, Langford, C, Lees, A, Lichtner, P, Limousin, P, Lopez, G, Lorenz, D, McNeill, A, Moorby, C, Moore, M, Morris, H R, Morrison, K E, Mudanohwo, E, O'Sullivan, S S, Pearson, J, Perlmutter, J S, Petursson, H, Pollak, P, Post, B, Potter, S, Ravina, B, Revesz, T, Riess, O, Rivadeneira, F, Rizzu, P, Ryten, M, Sawcer, S, Schapira, A, Scheffer, H, Shaw, K, Shoulson, I, Sidransky, E, Smith, C, Heutink, P, Singleton, A B & Wood, N W 2011, ' Imputation of sequence variants for identification of genetic risks for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies ', Lancet, vol. 377, no. 9766, pp. 641-649 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62345-8
    Lancet, 377(9766), 641-649
    Nalls, M A, Plagnol, V, Hernandez, D G, Sharma, M, Sheerin, U-M, Saad, M, Simon-Sanchez, J, Schulte, C, Lesage, S, Sveinbjornsdottir, S, Arepalli, S, Barker, R, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Berendse, H W, Berg, D, Bhatia, K, de Bie, R M A, Biffi, A, Bloem, B, Bochdanovits, Z, Bonin, M, Bras, J M, Brockmann, K, Brooks, J, Burn, D J, Charlesworth, G, Chen, H, Chinnery, P F, Chong, S, Clarke, C E, Cookson, M R, Cooper, J M, Corvol, J C, Counsell, C, Damier, P, Dartigues, J-F, Deloukas, P, Deuschl, G, Dexter, D T, van Dijk, K D, Dillman, A, Durif, F, Duerr, A, Edkins, S, Evans, J R, Foltynie, T, Gao, J, Gardner, M & Gibbs, J R & Smith, C 2011, ' Imputation of sequence variants for identification of genetic risks for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies ', The Lancet, vol. 377, no. 9766, pp. 641-649 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62345-8
    Lancet, 377(9766), 641-649. Elsevier Limited
    The Lancet, Vol. 377, No 9766 (2011) pp. 641-9
    The Lancet (London), 377, 641-9
    The Lancet (London), 377, 9766, pp. 641-9
  • 7 .
    Web-Based Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Two Novel Loci and a Substantial Genetic Component for Parkinson's Disease
    by Consortium, International Parkinson's Disease Genomics; 2, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium; Schulte, Claudia; Sawcer, Stephen; Schapira, Anthony, et al. 
    PLoS Genetics, 7(6):e1002142. Public Library of Science
    2011, ' A two-stage meta-analysis identifies several new loci for Parkinson's disease ', PLoS Genetics, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. e1002142 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002142
    PLoS Genetics, Vol 7, Iss 6, p e1002142 (2011)
    PLoS Genetics, 7(6)
    PLOS Genetics, Vol. 7, No 6 (2011) P. e1002142
    Plagnol, V, Nalls, M A, Bras, J M, Hernandez, D G, Sharma, M, Sheerin, U M, Saad, M, Simon-Sanchez, J, Schulte, C, Lesage, S, Sveinbjornsdottir, S, Amouyel, P, Arepalli, S, Band, G, Barker, R A, Bellinguez, C, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Berendse, H W, Berg, D, Bhatia, K, de Bie, R M A, Biffi, A, Bloem, B, Bochdanovits, Z, Bonin, M, Brockmann, K, Brooks, J, Burn, D J, Charlesworth, G, Chen, H L, Chinnery, P F, Chong, S, Clarke, C E, Cookson, M R, Cooper, J M, Corvol, J C, Counsell, C, Damier, P, Dartigues, J F, Deloukas, P, Deuschl, G, Dexter, D T, van Dijk, K D, Dillman, A, Durif, F, Durr, A, Edkins, S, Evans, J R, Foltynie, T, Freeman, C, Gao, J J, Gardner, M, Gibbs, J R, Goate, A, Gray, E, Guerreiro, R, Gustafsson, O, Harris, C, Hellenthal, G, van Hilten, J J, Hofman, A, Hollenbeck, A, Holton, J, Hu, M, Huang, X M, Huber, H, Hudson, G, Hunt, S E, Huttenlocher, J, Illig, T, Jonsson, P V, Langford, C, Lees, A, Lichtner, P, Limousin, P, Lopez, G, Lorenz, D, McNeill, A, Moorby, C, Moore, M, Morris, H, Morrison, K E, Mudanohwo, E, O'Sullivan, S S, Pearson, J, Pearson, R, Perlmutter, J S, Petursson, H, Pirinen, M, Pollak, P, Post, B, Potter, S, Ravina, B, Revesz, T, Riess, O, Rivadeneira, F, Rizzu, P, Ryten, M, Sawcer, S, Heutink, P & Wood, N W 2011, ' A Two-Stage Meta-Analysis Identifies Several New Loci for Parkinson's Disease ', PLoS Genetics, vol. 7, no. 6, e1002142 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002142
    PLoS Genetics
    PLoS Genetics 7(6), e1002142 (2011). doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002142
    PLoS genetics, 7(6). Public Library of Science
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