

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 9건 | List 1~10

  • 7 .
    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)
    by Lara Gibellini; Sussan Nourshargh; Susanna Cardell; Wlodzimierz Maslinski; Mar Felipo-Benavent, et al. 
    European Journal of Immunology, 49(10), 1457-1973. Wiley-VCH
    European Journal of Immunology
    European Journal of Immunology, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019, 49 (10), pp.1457-1973. ⟨10.1002/eji.201970107⟩
    European Journal of Immunology, 2019, 49 (10), pp.1457-1973. ⟨10.1002/eji.201970107⟩
    Eur J Immunol
    r-IGTP. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol
    European journal of immunology
    European journal of immunology, Vol. 49, no.10, p. 1457-1973 (2019)
    r-CIPF: Repositorio Institucional Producción Científica del Centro de Investigación Principe Felipe (CIPF)
    Centro de Investigación Principe Felipe (CIPF)
    r-CIPF. Repositorio Institucional Producción Científica del Centro de Investigación Principe Felipe (CIPF)
    Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
    Volume 49
    Issue 10
    European journal of immunology, 49(10), 1457-1973. Wiley-VCH Verlag
    European Journal of Immunology, 49(10), 1457-1973
    Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal
    Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP)
    r-ISABIAL. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica y Sanitaria de Alicante
    Cossarizza, A, Chang, H-D, Radbruch, A, Acs, A, Adam, D, Adam-Klages, S, Agace, W W, Aghaeepour, N, Akdis, M, Allez, M, Almeida, L N, Alvisi, G, Anderson, G, Andrä, I, Annunziato, F, Anselmo, A, Bacher, P, Baldari, C T, Bari, S, Barnaba, V, Barros-Martins, J, Battistini, L, Bauer, W, Baumgart, S, Baumgarth, N, Baumjohann, D, Baying, B, Bebawy, M, Becher, B, Beisker, W, Benes, V, Beyaert, R, Blanco, A, Boardman, D A, Bogdan, C, Borger, J G, Borsellino, G, Boulais, P E, Bradford, J A, Brenner, D, Brinkman, R R, Brooks, A E S, Busch, D H, Büscher, M, Bushnell, T P, Calzetti, F, Cameron, G, Cammarata, I, Cao, X, Cardell, S L, Casola, S, Cassatella, M A, Cavani, A, Celada, A, Chatenoud, L, Chattopadhyay, P K, Chow, S, Christakou, E, Čičin-Šain, L, Clerici, M, Colombo, F S, Cook, L, Cooke, A, Cooper, A M, Corbett, A J, Cosma, A, Cosmi, L, Coulie, P G, Cumano, A, Cvetkovic, L, Dang, V D, Dang-Heine, C, Davey, M S, Davies, D, De Biasi, S, Del Zotto, G, Dela Cruz, G V, Delacher, M, Della Bella, S, Dellabona, P, Deniz, G, Dessing, M, Di Santo, J P, Diefenbach, A, Dieli, F, Dolf, A, Dörner, T, Dress, R J, Dudziak, D, Dustin, M, Dutertre, C-A, Ebner, F, Eckle, S B G, Edinger, M, Eede, P, Ehrhardt, G R A, Eich, M, Engel, P, Engelhardt, B, Erdei, A, Esser, C, Everts, B, Evrard, M, Falk, C S, Fehniger, T A, Felipo-Benavent, M, Ferry, H, Feuerer, M, Filby, A, Filkor, K, Fillatreau, S, Follo, M, Förster, I, Foster, J, Foulds, G A, Frehse, B, Frenette, P S, Frischbutter, S, Fritzsche, W, Galbraith, D W, Gangaev, A, Garbi, N, Gaudilliere, B, Gazzinelli, R T, Geginat, J, Gerner, W, Gherardin, N A, Ghoreschi, K, Gibellini, L, Ginhoux, F, Goda, K, Godfrey, D I, Goettlinger, C, González-Navajas, J M, Goodyear, C S, Gori, A, Grogan, J L, Grummitt, D, Grützkau, A, Haftmann, C, Hahn, J, Hammad, H, Hämmerling, G, Hansmann, L, Hansson, G, Harpur, C M, Hartmann, S, Hauser, A, Hauser, A E, Haviland, D L, Hedley, D, Hernández, D C, Herrera, G, Herrmann, M, Hess, C, Höfer, T, Hoffmann, P, Hogquist, K, Holland, T, Höllt, T, Holmdahl, R, Hombrink, P, Houston, J P, Hoyer, B F, Huang, B, Huang, F-P, Huber, J E, Huehn, J, Hundemer, M, Hunter, C A, Hwang, W Y K, Iannone, A, Ingelfinger, F, Ivison, S M, Jäck, H-M, Jani, P K, Jávega, B, Jonjic, S, Kaiser, T, Kalina, T, Kamradt, T, Kaufmann, S H E, Keller, B, Ketelaars, S L C, Khalilnezhad, A, Khan, S, Kisielow, J, Klenerman, P, Knopf, J, Koay, H-F, Kobow, K, Kolls, J K, Kong, W T, Kopf, M, Korn, T, Kriegsmann, K, Kristyanto, H, Kroneis, T, Krueger, A, Kühne, J, Kukat, C, Kunkel, D, Kunze-Schumacher, H, Kurosaki, T, Kurts, C, Kvistborg, P, Kwok, I, Landry, J, Lantz, O, Lanuti, P, LaRosa, F, Lehuen, A, LeibundGut-Landmann, S, Leipold, M D, Leung, L Y T, Levings, M K, Lino, A C, Liotta, F, Litwin, V, Liu, Y, Ljunggren, H-G, Lohoff, M, Lombardi, G, Lopez, L, López-Botet, M, Lovett-Racke, A E, Lubberts, E, Luche, H, Ludewig, B, Lugli, E, Lunemann, S, Maecker, H T, Maggi, L, Maguire, O, Mair, F, Mair, K H, Mantovani, A, Manz, R A, Marshall, A J, Martínez-Romero, A, Martrus, G, Marventano, I, Maslinski, W, Matarese, G, Mattioli, A V, Maueröder, C, Mazzoni, A, McCluskey, J, McGrath, M, McGuire, H M, McInnes, I B, Mei, H E, Melchers, F, Melzer, S, Mielenz, D, Miller, S D, Mills, K H G, Minderman, H, Mjösberg, J, Moore, J, Moran, B, Moretta, L, Mosmann, T R, Müller, S, Multhoff, G, Muñoz, L E, Münz, C, Nakayama, T, Nasi, M, Neumann, K, Ng, L G, Niedobitek, A, Nourshargh, S, Núñez, G, O'Connor, J-E, Ochel, A, Oja, A, Ordonez, D, Orfao, A, Orlowski-Oliver, E, Ouyang, W, Oxenius, A, Palankar, R, Panse, I, Pattanapanyasat, K, Paulsen, M, Pavlinic, D, Penter, L, Peterson, P, Peth, C, Petriz, J, Piancone, F, Pickl, W F, Piconese, S, Pinti, M, Pockley, A G, Podolska, M J, Poon, Z, Pracht, K, Prinz, I, Pucillo, C E M, Quataert, S A, Quatrini, L, Quinn, K M, Radbruch, H, Radstake, T R D J, Rahmig, S, Rahn, H-P, Rajwa, B, Ravichandran, G, Raz, Y, Rebhahn, J A, Recktenwald, D, Reimer, D, Reis E Sousa, C, Remmerswaal, E B M, Richter, L, Rico, L G, Riddell, A, Rieger, A M, Robinson, J P, Romagnani, C, Rubartelli, A, Ruland, J, Saalmüller, A, Saeys, Y, Saito, T, Sakaguchi, S, Sala-de-Oyanguren, F, Samstag, Y, Sanderson, S, Sandrock, I, Santoni, A, Sanz, R B, Saresella, M, Sautes-Fridman, C, Sawitzki, B, Schadt, L, Scheffold, A, Scherer, H U, Schiemann, M, Schildberg, F A, Schimisky, E, Schlitzer, A, Schlosser, J, Schmid, S, Schmitt, S, Schober, K, Schraivogel, D, Schuh, W, Schüler, T, Schulte, R, Schulz, A R, Schulz, S R, Scottá, C, Scott-Algara, D, Sester, D P, Shankey, T V, Silva-Santos, B, Simon, A K, Sitnik, K M, Sozzani, S, Speiser, D E, Spidlen, J, Stahlberg, A, Stall, A M, Stanley, N, Stark, R, Stehle, C, Steinmetz, T, Stockinger, H, Takahama, Y, Takeda, K, Tan, L, Tárnok, A, Tiegs, G, Toldi, G, Tornack, J, Traggiai, E, Trebak, M, Tree, T I M, Trotter, J, Trowsdale, J, Tsoumakidou, M, Ulrich, H, Urbanczyk, S, van de Veen, W, van den Broek, M, van der Pol, E, Van Gassen, S, Van Isterdael, G, van Lier, R A W, Veldhoen, M, Vento-Asturias, S, Vieira, P, Voehringer, D, Volk, H-D, von Borstel, A, von Volkmann, K, Waisman, A, Walker, R V, Wallace, P K, Wang, S A, Wang, X M, Ward, M D, Ward-Hartstonge, K A, Warnatz, K, Warnes, G, Warth, S, Waskow, C, Watson, J V, Watzl, C, Wegener, L, Weisenburger, T, Wiedemann, A, Wienands, J, Wilharm, A, Wilkinson, R J, Willimsky, G, Wing, J B, Winkelmann, R, Winkler, T H, Wirz, O F, Wong, A, Wurst, P, Yang, J H M, Yang, J, Yazdanbakhsh, M, Yu, L, Yue, A, Zhang, H, Zhao, Y, Ziegler, S M, Zielinski, C, Zimmermann, J & Zychlinsky, A 2019, ' Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition) ', European Journal of Immunology, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 1457-1973 . https://doi.org/10.1002/eji.201970107
  • 7 .
    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)
    by Andrea Cossarizza; Hyun‐Dong Chang; Andreas Radbruch; Sergio Abrignani; Richard Addo, et al. 
    Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
    European journal of immunology, 51(12), 2708-3145. Wiley-VCH Verlag
    European Journal of Immunology, 51(12), 2708-3145. WILEY
    European Journal of Immunology (2021). doi:10.1002/eji.202170126
    info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Cossarizza, Andrea; Chang, Hyun Dong; Radbruch, Andreas; Abrignani, Sergio; Addo, Richard; Akdis, Mübeccel; Andrä, Immanuel; Andreata, Francesco; Annunziato, Francesco; Arranz, Eduardo; Bacher, Petra; Bari, Sudipto; Barnaba, Vincenzo; Barros-Martins, Joana; Baumjohann, Dirk; Beccaria, Cristian G.; Bernardo, David; Boardman, Dominic A.; Borger, Jessica; Böttcher, Chotima; Brockmann, Leonie; Burns, Marie; Busch, Dirk H.; Cameron, Garth; Cammarata, Ilenia; Cassotta, Antonino; Chang, Yinshui; Chirdo, Fernando Gabriel; Christakou, Eleni; ?i?in-?ain, Luka; Cook, Laura; Corbett, Alexandra J.; Cornelis, Rebecca; Cosmi, Lorenzo; Davey, Martin S.; De Biasi, Sara; De Simone, Gabriele; del Zotto, Genny; Delacher, Michael; Di Rosa, Francesca; Santo, James Di; Diefenbach, Andreas; Dong, Jun; Dörner, Thomas; Dress, Regine J.; Dutertre, Charles Antoine; Eckle, Sidonia B.G.; Eede, Pascale; Evrard, Maximilien; Falk, Christine S.; Feuerer, Markus; Fillatreau, Simon; Fiz-Lopez, Aida; Follo, Marie; Foulds, Gemma A.; Fröbel, Julia; Gagliani, Nicola; Galletti, Giovanni; Gangaev, Anastasia; Garbi, Natalio; Garrote, José Antonio; Geginat, Jens; Gherardin, Nicholas A.; Gibellini, Lara; Ginhoux, Florent; Godfrey, Dale I.; Gruarin, Paola; Haftmann, Claudia; Hansmann, Leo; Harpur, Christopher M.; Hayday, Adrian C.; Heine, Guido; Hernández, Daniela Carolina; Herrmann, Martin; Hoelsken, Oliver; Huang, Qing; Huber, Samuel; Huber, Johanna E.; Huehn, Jochen; Hundemer, Michael; Hwang, William Y.K.; Iannacone, Matteo; Ivison, Sabine M.; Jäck, Hans Martin; Jani, Peter K.; Keller, Baerbel; Kessler, Nina; Ketelaars, Steven; Knop, Laura; Knopf, Jasmin; Koay, Hui Fern; Kobow, Katja; Kriegsmann, Katharina; Kristyanto, H.; Krueger, Andreas; Kuehne, Jenny F.; Kunze-Schumacher, Heike; Kvistborg, Pia; Kwok, Immanuel; Latorre, Daniela/titolo:Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)/doi:10.1002%2Feji.202170126/rivista:European Journal of Immunology/anno:2021/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:/volume
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