

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 2건 | List 1~10

  • 7 .
    Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel
    by Huang, J; Howie, B; Mccarthy, S; Memari, Y; Walter, K, et al. 
    Nature Communications, 6, 8111
    Nature Communications, 6, pp. 8111
    Nature Communications
    Huang, J, Howie, B, McCarthy, S, Memari, Y, Walter, K, Min, J L, Danecek, P, Malerba, G, Trabetti, E, Zheng, H-F, Gambaro, G, Richards, J B, Durbin, R, Timpson, N J & Marchini, J & Soranzo, N 2015, ' Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel ', Nature Communications, vol. 6, pp. 8111 . https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms9111
    Huang, J, Howie, B, Mccarthy, S, Memari, Y, Walter, K, Min, J L, Danecek, P, Malerba, G, Trabetti, E, Zheng, H, Al Turki, S, Amuzu, A, Anderson, C A, Anney, R, Antony, D, Artigas, M S, Ayub, M, Bala, S, Barrett, J C, Barroso, I, Beales, P, Benn, M, Bentham, J, Bhattacharya, S, Birney, E, Blackwood, D, Bobrow, M, Bochukova, E, Bolton, P F, Bounds, R, Boustred, C, Breen, G, Calissano, M, Carss, K, Pablo Casas, J, Chambers, J C, Charlton, R, Chatterjee, K, Chen, L, Ciampi, A, Cirak, S, Clapham, P, Clement, G, Coates, G, Cocca, M, Collier, D A, Cosgrove, C, Cox, T, Craddock, N, Crooks, L, Curran, S, Curtis, D, Daly, A, Day, I N M, Day-williams, A, Dedoussis, G, Down, T, Du, Y, Van Duijn, C M, Dunham, I, Edkins, S, Ekong, R, Ellis, P, Evans, D M, Farooqi, I S, Fitzpatrick, D R, Flicek, P, Floyd, J, Foley, A R, Franklin, C S, Futema, M, Gallagher, L, Gasparini, P, Gaunt, T R, Geihs, M, Geschwind, D, Greenwood, C, Griffin, H, Grozeva, D, Guo, X, Guo, X, Gurling, H, Hart, D, Hendricks, A E, Holmans, P, Huang, L, Hubbard, T, Humphries, S E, Hurles, M E, Hysi, P, Iotchkova, V, Isaacs, A, Jackson, D K, Jamshidi, Y, Johnson, J, Joyce, C, Karczewski, K J, Kaye, J, Keane, T, Kemp, J P, Kennedy, K, Kent, A, Keogh, J, Khawaja, F, Kleber, M E, Van Kogelenberg, M, Kolb-kokocinski, A, Kooner, J S, Lachance, G, Langenberg, C, Langford, C, Lawson, D, Lee, I, Van Leeuwen, E M, Lek, M, Li, R, Li, Y, Liang, J, Lin, H, Liu, R, Lönnqvist, J, Lopes, L R, Lopes, M, Luan, J, Macarthur, D G, Mangino, M, Marenne, G, März, W, Maslen, J, Matchan, A, Mathieson, I, Mcguffin, P, Mcintosh, A M, Mckechanie, A G, Mcquillin, A, Metrustry, S, Migone, N, Mitchison, H M, Moayyeri, A, Morris, J, Morris, R, Muddyman, D, Muntoni, F, Nordestgaard, B, Northstone, K, O'donovan, M C, O'rahilly, S, Onoufriadis, A, Oualkacha, K, Owen, M J, Palotie, A, Panoutsopoulou, K, Parker, V, Parr, J R, Paternoster, L, Paunio, T, Payne, F, Payne, S J, Perry, J R B, Pietilainen, O, Plagnol, V, Pollitt, R C, Povey, S, Quail, M A, Quaye, L, Raymond, L, Rehnström, K, Ridout, C K, Ring, S, Ritchie, G R S, Roberts, N, Robinson, R L, Savage, D B, Scambler, P, Schiffels, S, Schmidts, M, Schoenmakers, N, Scott, R H, Scott, R A, Semple, R K, Serra, E, Sharp, S I, Shaw, A, Shihab, H A, Shin, S, Skuse, D, Small, K S, Smee, C, Smith, G D, Southam, L, Spasic-boskovic, O, Spector, T D, St Clair, D, St Pourcain, B, Stalker, J, Stevens, E, Sun, J, Surdulescu, G, Suvisaari, J, Syrris, P, Tachmazidou, I, Taylor, R, Tian, J, Tobin, M D, Toniolo, D, Traglia, M, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Valdes, A M, Vandersteen, A M, Varbo, A, Vijayarangakannan, P, Visscher, P M, Wain, L V, Walters, J T R, Wang, G, Wang, J, Wang, Y, Ward, K, Wheeler, E, Whincup, P, Whyte, T, Williams, H J, Williamson, K A, Wilson, C, Wilson, S G, Wong, K, Xu, C, Yang, J, Zaza, G, Zeggini, E, Zhang, F, Zhang, P, Zhang, W, Gambaro, G, Richards, J B, Durbin, R, Timpson, N J, Marchini, J & Soranzo, N 2015, ' Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel ', Nature Communications, vol. 6, 8111 . https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms9111
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