

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 24건 | List 1~10

  • 4 .
    Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders
    by Andlauer, Till F M; Guzman-Parra, Jose; Orozco Diaz, Guillermo; Freimer, Nelson B; Frisén, Louise, et al. 
    Molecular Psychiatry, 26(4), 1286-1298. Nature Publishing Group
    Andlauer, T F M, Rietschel, M, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Abdellaoui, A, Derks, E M, Dolan, C V, Hottenga, J J, Mbarek, H, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y, Nivard, M G, Peyrot, W J, Posthuma, D, Willemsen, G, Boomsma, D I, de Geus, E J C, W J H Penninx, B & Sullivan, P 2021, ' Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1286-1298 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
    Molecular Psychiatry
    Molecular psychiatry 26, 1286–1298 (2021). doi:10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
    Andlauer, T F M, Guzman-Parra, J, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, González, M J, Gil Flores, S, Cabaleiro Fabeiro, F J, del Río Noriega, F, Perez, F P, Haro González, J, Orozco Diaz, G, de Diego-Otero, Y, Moreno-Küstner, B, Auburger, G, Degenhardt, F, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Herms, S, Hoffmann, P, Frank, J, Foo, J C, Treutlein, J, Witt, S H, Cichon, S, Kogevinas, M, Stahl, E A, Breen, G, Forstner, A J, McQuillin, A, Ripke, S, Trubetskoy, V, Mattheisen, M, Wang, Y, Coleman, J R I, Gaspar, H A, de Leeuw, C A, Steinberg, S, Pavlides, J M W, Trzaskowski, M, Pers, T H, Holmans, P A, Abbott, L, Agerbo, E, Akil, H, Albani, D, Alliey-Rodriguez, N, Als, T D, Anjorin, A, Antilla, V, Awasthi, S, Badner, J A, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Barchas, J D, Bass, N, Bauer, M, Belliveau, R, Bergen, S E, Pedersen, C B, Bøen, E, Boks, M, Boocock, J, Budde, M, Bunney, W, Burmeister, M, Bybjerg-Grauholm, J, Byerley, W, Casas, M, Cerrato, F, Cervantes, P, Chambert, K, Charney, A W, Chen, D, Churchhouse, C, Clarke, T K, Coryell, W, Craig, D W, Cruceanu, C, Czerski, P M, Dale, A M, de Jong, S, Degenhardt, F, Del-Favero, J, DePaulo, J R, Djurovic, S, Dobbyn, A L, Dumont, A, Elvsåshagen, T, Escott-Price, V, Fan, C C, Fischer, S B, Flickinger, M, Foroud, T M, Forty, L, Frank, J, Fraser, C, Freimer, N B, Frisén, L, Gade, K, Gage, D, Garnham, J, Giambartolomei, C, Pedersen, M G, Goldstein, J, Gordon, S D, Gordon-Smith, K, Green, E K, Green, M J, Greenwood, T A, Grove, J, Guan, W, Parra, J G, Hamshere, M L, Hautzinger, M, Heilbronner, U, Herms, S, Hipolito, M, Hoffmann, P, Holland, D, Huckins, L, Jamain, S, Johnson, J S, Juréus, A, Kandaswamy, R, Karlsson, R, Kennedy, J L, Kittel-Schneider, S, Knowles, J A, Kogevinas, M, Koller, A C, Kupka, R, Lavebratt, C, Lawrence, J, Lawson, W B, Leber, M, Lee, P H, Levy, S E, Li, J Z, Liu, C, Lucae, S, Maaser, A, MacIntyre, D J, Mahon, P B, Maier, W, Martinsson, L, McCarroll, S, McGuffin, P, McInnis, M G, McKay, J D, Medeiros, H, Medland, S E, Meng, F, Milani, L, Montgomery, G W, Morris, D W, Mühleisen, T W, Mullins, N, Nguyen, H, Nievergelt, C M, Adolfsson, A N, Nwulia, E A, O’Donovan, C, Loohuis, L M O, Ori, A P S, Oruc, L, Ösby, U, Perlis, R H, Perry, A, Pfennig, A, Potash, J B, Purcell, S M, Regeer, E J, Reif, A, Reinbold, C S, Rice, J P, Richards, A L, Rivas, F, Rivera, M, Roussos, P, Ruderfer, D M, Ryu, E, Sánchez-Mora, C, Schatzberg, A F, Scheftner, W A, Schork, N J, Weickert, C S, Shehktman, T, Shilling, P D, Sigurdsson, E, Slaney, C, Smeland, O B, Sobell, J L, Hansen, C S, Spijker, A T, Clair, D S, Steffens, M, Strauss, J S, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, Szelinger, S, Thompson, R C, EThorgeirsson, T, Treutlein, J, Vedde, H, Wang, W, Watson, S J, Weickert, T W, Witt, S H, Xi, S, Xu, W, Young, A H, Zandi, P, Zhang, P, Zollner, S, Adolfsson, R, Agartz, I, Alda, M, Backlund, L, Baune, B T, Bellivier, F, Berrettini, W H, Biernacka, J M, Blackwood, D H R, Boehnke, M, Børglum, A D, Corvin, A, Craddock, N, Daly, M J, Dannlowski, U, Esko, T, Etain, B, Frye, M, Fullerton, J M, Gershon, E S, Gill, M, Goes, F S, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M, Hauser, J, Hougaard, D M, Hultman, C M, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Kahn, R S, Kirov, G, Landén, M, Leboyer, M, Lewis, C M, Li, Q S, Lissowska, J, Martin, N G, Mayoral, F, McElroy, S L, McIntosh, A M, McMahon, F J, Melle, I, Metspalu, A, Mitchell, P B, Morken, G, Mors, O, Mortensen, P B, Müller-Myhsok, B, Myers, R M, Neale, B M, Nimgaonkar, V, Nordentoft, M, Nöthen, M M, O’Donovan, M C, Oedegaard, K J, Owen, M J, Paciga, S A, Pato, C, Pato, M T, Posthuma, D, Ramos-Quiroga, J A, Ribasés, M, Rietschel, M, Rouleau, G A, Schalling, M, Schofield, P R, Schulze, T G, Serretti, A, Smoller, J W, Stefansson, H, Stefansson, K, Stordal, E, Sullivan, P F, Turecki, G, Vaaler, A E, Vieta, E, Vincent, J B, Werge, T, Nurnberger, J I, Wray, N R, Florio, A D, Edenberg, H J, Cichon, S, Ophoff, R A, Scott, L J, Andreassen, O A, Kelsoe, J, Sklar, P, Ripke, S, Mattheisen, M, Trzaskowski, M, Byrne, E M, Abdellaoui, A, Adams, M J, Agerbo, E, Air, T M, Bacanu, S A, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Beekman, A T F, Bigdeli, T B, Binder, E B, Bryois, J, Buttenschøn, H N, Bybjerg-Grauholm, J, Cai, N, Castelao, E, Christensen, J H, Clarke, T K, Coleman, J R I, Colodro-Conde, L, Couvy-Duchesne, B, Craddock, N, Crawford, G E, Davies, G, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Derks, E M, Direk, N, Dolan, C V, Dunn, E C, Eley, T C, Escott-Price, V, Kiadeh, F F H, Finucane, H K, Foo, J C, Forstner, A J, Frank, J, Gaspar, H A, Gill, M, Goes, F S, Gordon, S D, Grove, J, Hall, L S, Hansen, C S, Hansen, T F, Herms, S, Hickie, I B, Hoffmann, P, Homuth, G, Horn, C, Hottenga, J J, Hougaard, D M, Howard, D M, Ising, M, Jansen, R, Jorgenson, E, Knowles, J A, Kohane, I S, Hill, Kraft, J, Kretzschmar, W W, Kutalik, Z, Li, Y, Lind, P A, MacIntyre, D J, MacKinnon, D F, Maier, R M, Maier, W, Marchini, J, Mbarek, H, McGrath, P, McGuffin, P, Mehta, D, Middeldorp, C M, Mihailov, E, Milaneschi, Y, Milani, L, Mondimore, F M, Montgomery, G W, Mostafavi, S, Mullins, N, Nauck, M, Ng, B, Nivard, M G, Nyholt, D R, O’Reilly, P F, Oskarsson, H, Painter, J N, Pedersen, C B, Pedersen, M G, Peterson, R E, Pettersson, E, Peyrot, W J, Pistis, G, Posthuma, D, Quiroz, J A, Qvist, P, Rice, J P, Riley, B P, Rivera, M, Mirza, S S, Schoevers, R, Schulte, E C, Shen, L, Shi, J, Shyn, S I, Sigurdsson, E, Sinnamon, G C B, Smit, J H, Smith, D J, Steinberg, S, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, Tansey, K E, Teismann, H, Teumer, A, Thompson, W, Thomson, P A, Thorgeirsson, T E, Traylor, M, Treutlein, J, Trubetskoy, V, Uitterlinden, A G, Umbricht, D, Van der Auwera, S, van Hemert, A M, Viktorin, A, Visscher, P M, Wang, Y, Webb, B T, Weinsheimer, S M, Wellmann, J, Willemsen, G, Witt, S H, Wu, Y, Xi, H S, Yang, J, Zhang, F, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Berger, K, Boomsma, D I, Cichon, S, de Geus, E J C, DePaulo, J R, Domenici, E, Domschke, K, Esko, T, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Kendler, K S, Kloiber, S, Lewis, G, Li, Q S, Lucae, S, Madden, P A F, Magnusson, P K, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Metspalu, A, Mors, O, Müller-Myhsok, B, Nordentoft, M, Nöthen, M M, O’Donovan, M C, Paciga, S A, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W J H, Perlis, R H, Porteous, D J, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Rietschel, M, Schaefer, C, Schulze, T G, Smoller, J W, Tiemeier, H, Uher, R, Völzke, H, Weissman, M M, Werge, T, Levinson, D F, Børglum, A D, Sullivan, P F, Rivas, F, Mayoral, F, Müller-Myhsok, B, Forstner, A J, Nöthen, M M, Rietschel, M, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2021, ' Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1286-1298 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
    Andlauer, T F M, Guzman-Parra, J, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, González, M J, Gil Flores, S, Cabaleiro Fabeiro, F J, Del Río Noriega, F, Perez, F P, Haro González, J, Orozco Diaz, G, de Diego-Otero, Y, Moreno-Küstner, B, Auburger, G, Degenhardt, F, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Herms, S, Hoffmann, P, Frank, J, Foo, J C, Treutlein, J, Witt, S H, Cichon, S, Kogevinas, M, Rivas, F, Mayoral, F, Müller-Myhsok, B, Forstner, A J, Nöthen, M M, Rietschel, M & Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2021, ' Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1286-1298 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
    Print: 1359-4184
    Andlauer, T F M, Guzman-Parra, J, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, González, M J, Gil Flores, S, Cabaleiro Fabeiro, F J, del Río Noriega, F, Perez, F P, Haro González, J, Orozco Diaz, G, de Diego-Otero, Y, Moreno-Küstner, B, Auburger, G, Degenhardt, F, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Herms, S, Hoffmann, P, Frank, J, Foo, J C, Treutlein, J, Witt, S H, Cichon, S, Kogevinas, M, Stahl, E A, Breen, G, Forstner, A J, McQuillin, A, Ripke, S, Trubetskoy, V, Mattheisen, M, Wang, Y, Coleman, J R I, Gaspar, H A, de Leeuw, C A, Steinberg, S, Pers, T H, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Pedersen, C B, Pedersen, M G, Hansen, C S, Nordentoft, M, Werge, T, Hansen, T F, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2021, ' Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1286-1298 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
    Molecular psychiatry, 26(4), 1286-1298. Nature Publishing Group
    Deary, I & Davies, G 2019, ' Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1286–1298 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2
  • 7 .
    Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression
    by Glanville, Kylie P; Coleman, Jonathan R I; Binder, Elisabeth B; Hall, Lynsey S; Hansen, Christine Søholm, et al. 
    Biological psychiatry, 87(5), 419-430. Elsevier USA
    2019, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological Psychiatry . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Biological psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430
    Glanville, K P, Lewis, C M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Abdellaoui, A, Dolan, C V, Hottenga, J J, Jansen, R, Mbarek, H, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y, Nivard, M G, Peyrot, W J, Posthuma, D & Willemsen, G 2020, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Biological Psychiatry, 87(5), 419-430. Elsevier USA
    Biological Psychiatry
    Online: 0006-3223
    Biological Psychiatry, 87(5), 419-430. Elsevier Inc.
    Glanville, K P, Coleman, J R I, Hanscombe, K B, Euesden, J, Choi, S W, Purves, K L, Breen, G, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Baune, B T, Binder, E B, Blackwood, D H R, Boomsma, D I, Buttenschøn, H N, Colodro-Conde, L, Dannlowski, U, Direk, N, Dunn, E C, Forstner, A J, de Geus, E J C, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Knowles, J A, Kutalik, Z, Levinson, D F, Lewis, G, Lind, P A, Lucae, S, Magnusson, P K, McGuffin, P, McIntosh, A M, Milaneschi, Y, Mors, O, Mostafavi, S, Müller-Myhsok, B, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W J H, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Ripke, S, Shi, J, Shyn, S I, Smoller, J W, Streit, F, Sullivan, P F, Tiemeier, H, Uher, R, Van der Auwera, S & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Biological Psychiatry, 87(5), 419-430. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
    Glanville, K P, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Coleman, J R I, Hanscombe, K B, Euesden, J, Choi, S W, Purves, K L, Breen, G, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Baune, B T, Binder, E B, Blackwood, D H R, Boomsma, D I, Buttenschøn, H N, Colodro-Conde, L, Dannlowski, U, Direk, N, Dunn, E C, Forstner, A J, de Geus, E J C, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Knowles, J A, Kutalik, Z, Levinson, D F, Lewis, G, Lind, P A, Lucae, S, Magnusson, P K, McGuffin, P, McIntosh, A M, Milaneschi, Y, Mors, O, Mostafavi, S, Müller-Myhsok, B, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W J H, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Ripke, S, Beekman, A T F, Jansen, R, Middeldorp, C M, Peyrot, W J, Posthuma, D, Schoevers, R, Smit, J H, de Geus, E J C, Weissman, M M & O'Reilly, P F 2020, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Biological psychiatry 87(5), 419-430 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Glanville, K P, Coleman, J R I, Hanscombe, K B, Euesden, J, Choi, S W, Purves, K L, Breen, G, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Baune, B T, Binder, E B, Blackwood, D H R, Boomsma, D I, Buttenschøn, H N, Colodro-Conde, L, Dannlowski, U, Direk, N, Dunn, E C, Forstner, A J, de Geus, E J C, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Knowles, J A, Kutalik, Z, Levinson, D F, Lewis, G, Lind, P A, Lucae, S, Magnusson, P K, McGuffin, P, McIntosh, A M, Milaneschi, Y, Mors, O, Mostafavi, S, Müller-Myhsok, B, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W J H, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Ripke, S, Shi, J, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Hansen, C S, Hansen, T F, Pedersen, C B, Pedersen, M G, Nordentoft, M, Werge, T & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
    Glanville, K P, Coleman, J R I, Hanscombe, K B, Euesden, J, Choi, S W, Purves, K, Breen, G, Air, T M, Andlauer, T M F, Baune, B T, Binder, E B, Blackwood, D H R, Boomsma, D I, Buttenschøn, H N, Colodro-Conde, L, Dannlowski, U, Direk, N, Dunn, E C, Forstner, A J, de Geus, E J C, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Knowles, J A, Kutalik, Z, Levinson, D F, Lewis, G, Lind, P A, Lucae, S, Lucae, S, Magnusson., P K E, McGuffin, P, McIntosh, A, Milaneschi, Y, Lewis, C M, Mostafavi, S, Muller-Myhsok, B, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Ripke, S, Shi, J, Shyn, S I, Smoller, J W, Streit, F, Sullivan, P F, Tiemeier, H, Uher, R, der Auwera, S V, Weissman, M M, O'Reilly, P F & Lewis, C M 2020, ' Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated With Depression ', Biological psychiatry, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 419-430 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.06.031
  • 7 .
    Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank
    by Coleman, Jonathan RI; Peyrot, Wouter J; Purves, Kirstin L; Davis, Katrina AS; Rayner, Christopher, et al. 
    Coleman, J R I, Peyrot, W J, Purves, K, Davis, K A S, Rayner, C, Choi, S W, Huebel, C, Gaspar, H A, Kan, C, der Auwera, S V, Adams, M J, Lyall, D, Choi, K W, Dunn, E C, Vassos, E, Danese, A, Maughan, B, Grabe, H J, Lewis, C M, O'Reilly, P F, McIntosh, A M, Smith, D J, Wray, N R, Hotopf, M, Eley, T & Breen, G & Howard, D 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1430-1446 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Molecular Psychiatry, 25, 1430-1446. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP
    Molecular psychiatry
    Coleman, J R I & Adams, M J & McIntosh, A 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Molecular Psychiatry, 25(7), 1430-1446. Nature Publishing Group
    Coleman, J R I, Peyrot, W J, Purves, K L, Davis, K A S, Rayner, C, Choi, S W, Hübel, C, Gaspar, H A, Kan, C, Van der Auwera, S, Adams, M J, Lyall, D M, Choi, K W, Wray, N R, Ripke, S, Mattheisen, M, Trzaskowski, M, Byrne, E M, Abdellaoui, A, Adams, M J, Agerbo, E, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Bacanu, S A, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Beekman, A T F, Bigdeli, T B, Binder, E B, Bryois, J, Buttenschøn, H N, Bybjerg-Grauholm, J, Cai, N, Castelao, E, Christensen, J H, Clarke, T K, Coleman, J R I, Colodro-Conde, L, Couvy-Duchesne, B, Craddock, N, Crawford, G E, Davies, G, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Derks, E M, Direk, N, Dolan, C V, Dunn, E C, Eley, T C, Escott-Price, V, Kiadeh, F F H, Finucane, H K, Foo, J C, Forstner, A J, Frank, J, Gaspar, H A, Gill, M, Goes, F S, Gordon, S D, Grove, J, Hall, L S, Hansen, C S, Hansen, T F, Herms, S, Hickie, I B, Hoffmann, P, Homuth, G, Horn, C, Hottenga, J J, Hougaard, D M, Howard, D M, Ising, M, Jansen, R, Jones, I, Jones, L A, Jorgenson, E, Knowles, J A, Kohane, I S, Kraft, J, Kretzschmar, W W, Kutalik, Z, Li, Y, Lind, P A, MacIntyre, D J, MacKinnon, D F, Maier, R M, Maier, W, Marchini, J, Mbarek, H, McGrath, P, McGuffin, P, Medland, S E, Mehta, D, Middeldorp, C M, Mihailov, E, Milaneschi, Y, Milani, L, Mondimore, F M, Montgomery, G W, Mostafavi, S, Mullins, N, Nauck, M, Ng, B, Nivard, M G, Nyholt, D R, O’Reilly, P F, Oskarsson, H, Owen, M J, Painter, J N, Pedersen, C B, Pedersen, M G, Peterson, R E, Pettersson, E, Peyrot, W J, Pistis, G, Posthuma, D, Quiroz, J A, Qvist, P, Rice, J P, Riley, B P, Rivera, M, Mirza, S S, Schoevers, R, Schulte, E C, Shen, L, Shi, J, Shyn, S I, Sigurdsson, E, Sinnamon, G C B, Smit, J H, Smith, D J, Stefansson, H, Steinberg, S, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, Tansey, K E, Teismann, H, Teumer, A, Thompson, W, Thomson, P A, Thorgeirsson, T E, Traylor, M, Treutlein, J, Trubetskoy, V, Uitterlinden, A G, Umbricht, D, Van der Auwera, S, van Hemert, A M, Viktorin, A, Visscher, P M, Wang, Y, Webb, B T, Weinsheimer, S M, Wellmann, J, Willemsen, G, Witt, S H, Wu, Y, Xi, H S, Yang, J, Zhang, F, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Berger, K, Boomsma, D I, Cichon, S, Dannlowski, U, de Geus, E J C, DePaulo, J R, Domenici, E, Domschke, K, Esko, T, Grabe, H J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Kendler, K S, Kloiber, S, Lewis, G, Li, Q S, Lucae, S, Madden, P A F, Magnusson, P K, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Metspalu, A, Mors, O, Mortensen, P B, Müller-Myhsok, B, Nordentoft, M, Nöthen, M M, O’Donovan, M C, Paciga, S A, Pedersen, N L, Penninx, B W J H, Perlis, R H, Porteous, D J, Potash, J B, Preisig, M, Rietschel, M, Schaefer, C, Schulze, T G, Smoller, J W, Stefansson, K, Tiemeier, H, Uher, R, Völzke, H, Weissman, M M, Werge, T, Lewis, C M, Levinson, D F, Breen, G, Børglum, A D, Sullivan, P F, Dunn, E C, Vassos, E, Danese, A, Maughan, B, Grabe, H J, Lewis, C M, O’Reilly, P F, McIntosh, A M, Smith, D J, Wray, N R, Hotopf, M, Eley, T C, Breen, G & on the behalf of Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1430-1446 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Coleman, J R I, Peyrot, W J, Purves, K L, Davis, K A S, Rayner, C, Choi, S W, Hubel, C, Gaspar, H A, Kan, C, Van der Auwera, S, Adams, M J, Lyall, D M, Choi, K W, Psychiat Genomics Consortium, Dunn, E C, Vassos, E, Danese, A, Maughan, B, Grabe, H J, Lewis, C M, O'Reilly, P F, McIntosh, A M, Smith, D J, Wray, N R, Hotopf, M, Eley, T C & Breen, G 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1430-1446 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Coleman, J R I, Peyrot, W J, Purves, K L, Davis, K A S, Rayner, C, Choi, S W, Hübel, C, Gaspar, H A, Kan, C, Van der Auwera, S, Adams, M J, Lyall, D M, Choi, K W, Wray, N R, Ripke, S, Mattheisen, M, Trzaskowski, M, Byrne, E M, Abdellaoui, A, Adams, M J, Agerbo, E, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Bacanu, S A, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Beekman, A T F, Bigdeli, T B, Binder, E B, Bryois, J, Buttenschøn, H N, Bybjerg-Grauholm, J, Cai, N, Castelao, E, Christensen, J H, Clarke, T K, Coleman, J R I, Colodro-Conde, L, Couvy-Duchesne, B, Craddock, N, Crawford, G E, Davies, G, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Derks, E M, Hansen, C S, Hansen, T F, Pedersen, C B, Pedersen, M G, Nordentoft, M, Werge, T & on the behalf of Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 25, pp. 1430-1446 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Molecular psychiatry, 25(7), 1430-1446. Nature Publishing Group
    Coleman, J R I, Breen, G, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Abdellaoui, A, Dolan, C V, Hottenga, J J, Mbarek, H, Middeldorp, C M, Nivard, M G, Willemsen, G, Boomsma, D I, de Geus, E J C, Beekman, A T F, Jansen, R, Milaneschi, Y, Smit, J H, W J H Penninx, B & Posthuma, D 2020, ' Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1430-1446 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-019-0546-6
    Molecular psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1430-1446
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    A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank
    by Shen, Xueyi; Howard, David M; McIntosh, Andrew M; O'Reilly, Paul F; Oskarsson, Hogni, et al. 
    Shen, X, Howard, D M, Adams, M J, Hill, W D, Clarke, T K, Adams, M J, Clarke, T K, McIntosh, A M, Deary, I J, Wray, N R, Ripke, S, Mattheisen, M, Trzaskowski, M, Byrne, E M, Abdellaoui, A, Agerbo, E, Air, T M, Andlauer, T F M, Bacanu, S A, Bækvad-Hansen, M, Beekman, A T F, Bigdeli, T B, Binder, E B, Bryois, J, Buttenschøn, H N, Bybjerg-Grauholm, J, Cai, N, Castelao, E, Christensen, J H, Coleman, J R I, Colodro-Conde, L, Couvy-Duchesne, B, Craddock, N, Crawford, G E, Davies, G, Degenhardt, F, Derks, E M, Direk, N, Dolan, C V, Dunn, E C, Eley, T C, Escott-Price, V, Kiadeh, F F H, Finucane, H K, Foo, J C, Hansen, C S, Hansen, T F, Pedersen, C B, Nordentoft, M, Werge, T & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2301 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Nature Communications 11(1), 2301 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Nature Communications
    Shen, X, Howard, D M, Adams, M J, Hill, W D, Clarke, T-K, Deary, I J, Whalley, H C, McIntosh, A M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium & Christensen, J H 2020, ' A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2301, pp. 2301 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Shen, X, Howard, D M, Adams, M J, Hill, W D, Clarke, T K, McIntosh, A M, Deary, I J, Whalley, H C & Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2020, ' A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2301 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Nature Communications, 11(1):2301. Nature Publishing Group UK
    Shen, X, Howard, D M, Adams, M J, Hill, W D, Clarke, T-K, Deary, I J & Whalley, H C & McIntosh, A M 2020, ' A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, 2301 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Nature Communications, Vol 11, Iss 1, Pp 1-16 (2020)
    Nature Communications, 11(1):2301. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature communications, 11(1):2301. Nature Publishing Group
    Shen, X, McIntosh, A M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Abdellaoui, A, Derks, E M, Dolan, C V, Hottenga, J J, Jansen, R, Mbarek, H, Middeldorp, C M, Nivard, M, Peyrot, W J, Posthuma, D, Willemsen, G, Boomsma, D I, de Geus, E J C & W J H Penninx, B 2020, ' A phenome-wide association and Mendelian Randomisation study of polygenic risk for depression in UK Biobank ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2301, pp. 2301 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16022-0
    Nature communications
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    Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification
    by Power, Robert A; Tansey, Katherine E; Buttenschøn, Henriette Nørmølle; Cohen-Woods, Sarah; Bigdeli, Tim, et al. 
    Power, R A, Tansey, K E, Buttenschøn, H N, Cohen-Woods, S, Bigdeli, T, Hall, L S, Kutalik, Z, Lee, S H, Ripke, S, Steinberg, S, Teumer, A, Viktorin, A, Wray, N R, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Boomsma, D I, Børglum, A D, Byrne, E M, Castelao, E, Craddock, N, Craig, I W, Dannlowski, U, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Forstner, A J, Gordon, S D, Grabe, H J, Grove, J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Hocking, L J, Homuth, G, Hottenga, J J, Kloiber, S, Krogh, J, Landén, M, Lang, M, Levinson, D F, Lichtenstein, P, Lucae, S, MacIntyre, D J, Madden, P, Magnusson, P K E, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y, Penninx, B W J H, Smit, J H & CONVERGE Consortium, CARDIoGRAM Consortium, GERAD1 Consortium 2017, ' Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification : Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 325-335 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.05.010
    Biological Psychiatry, 81(4), 325-335. Elsevier USA
    Power, R A, Tansey, K E, Buttenschøn, H N, Cohen-Woods, S, Bigdeli, T, Hall, L S, Kutalik, Z, Lee, S H, Ripke, S, Steinberg, S, Teumer, A, Viktorin, A, Wray, N R, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Boomsma, D I, Børglum, A D, Byrne, E M, Castelao, E, Craddock, N, Craig, I W, Dannlowski, U, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Forstner, A J, Gordon, S D, Grabe, H J, Grove, J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Hocking, L J, Homuth, G, Hottenga, J J, Kloiber, S, Krogh, J, Landén, M, Lang, M, Levinson, D F, Lichtenstein, P, Lucae, S, MacIntyre, D J, Madden, P, Magnusson, P K E, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y & Porteous, D J & Thomson, P 2017, ' Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification : Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 81, no. 4 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.05.010
    Power, R A, Tansey, K E, Buttenschøn, H N, Cohen-Woods, S, Bigdeli, T, Hall, L S, Kutalik, Z, Lee, S H, Ripke, S, Steinberg, S, Teumer, A, Viktorin, A, Wray, N R, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Boomsma, D I, Børglum, A D, Byrne, E M, Castelao, E, Craddock, N, Craig, I W, Dannlowski, U, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Forstner, A J, Gordon, S D, Grabe, H J, Grove, J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Hocking, L J, Homuth, G, Hottenga, J J, Kloiber, S, Krogh, J, Landén, M, Lang, M, Levinson, D F, Lichtenstein, P, Lucae, S, MacIntyre, D J, Madden, P A F, Magnusson, P K E, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y, Penninx, B W J H, Smit, J H & CONVERGE Consortium, CARDIoGRAM Consortium, GERAD1 Consortium 2017, ' Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification : Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 325-335 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.05.010
    Power, R A, Tansey, K E, Buttenschøn, H N, Cohen-Woods, S, Bigdeli, T, Hall, L S, Kutalik, Z, Lee, S H, Ripke, S, Steinberg, S, Teumer, A, Viktorin, A, Wray, N R, Arolt, V, Baune, B T, Boomsma, D I, Børglum, A D, Castelao, E, Craddock, N, Craig, I W, Dannlowski, U, Deary, I J, Degenhardt, F, Forstner, A J, Gordon, S D, Grabe, H J, Grove, J, Hamilton, S P, Hayward, C, Heath, A C, Hocking, L J, Homuth, G, Hottenga, J J, Kloiber, S, Krogh, J, Landén, M, Lang, M, Levinson, D F, Lichtenstein, P, Lucae, S, MacIntyre, D J, Madden, P, Magnusson, P K E, Martin, N G, McIntosh, A M, Middeldorp, C M, Milaneschi, Y, Montgomery, G W, Mors, O, Müller-Myhsok, B & CONVERGE Consortium, CARDIoGRAM Consortium, GERAD1 Consortium 2017, ' Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification : Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ', Biological Psychiatry, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 325–335 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.05.010
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