

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 107건 | List 1~10

  • 7 .
    The Virgo O3 run and the impact of the environment
    by Acernese, F.; Agathos, M.; Ain, A.; Albanesi, S.; Allocca, A., et al. 
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39(23):235009. IOP Publishing Ltd.
    Classical and Quantum Gravity
    Acernese, F, Agathos, M, Ain, A, Albanesi, S, Allocca, A, Amato, A, Andrade, T, Andres, N, Andrés-Carcasona, M, Andrić, T, Ansoldi, S, Antier, S, Apostolatos, T, Appavuravther, E Z, Arène, M, Arnaud, N, Assiduo, M, Assis De Souza Melo, S, Astone, P, Aubin, F, Avgitas, T, Babak, S, Badaracco, F, Bader, M K M, Bagnasco, S, Baird, J, Baka, T, Ballardin, G, Baltus, G, Banerjee, B, Barbieri, C, Barneo, P, Barone, F, Barsuglia, M, Barta, D, Basti, A, Bawaj, M, Bazzan, M, Beirnaert, F, Bejger, M, Belahcene, I, Benedetto, V, Berbel, M, Bernuzzi, S, Bersanetti, D, Bertolini, A, Bhardwaj, U, Bianchi, A, Bini, S, Bischi, M, Bitossi, M, Bizouard, M-A, Bobba, F, Boër, M, Bogaert, G, Boldrini, M, Bonavena, L D, Bondu, F, Bonnand, R, Boom, B A, Boschi, V, Boudart, V, Bouffanais, Y, Bozzi, A, Bradaschia, C, Branchesi, M, Breschi, M, Briant, T, Brillet, A, Brooks, J, Bruno, G, Bucci, F, Bulik, T, Bulten, H J, Buskulic, D, Buy, C, Cabras, G, Cabrita, R, Cagnoli, G, Calloni, E, Canepa, M, Canevarolo, S, Cannavacciuolo, M, Capocasa, E, Carapella, G, Carbognani, F, Caredda, E, Carpinelli, M, Carullo, G, Casanueva Diaz, J, Casentini, C, Caudill, S, Cavalier, F, Cavalieri, R, Cella, G, Cerdá-Durán, P, Cesarini, E, Chaibi, W, Chanial, P, Chassande-Mottin, E, Chaty, S, Chiadini, F, Chiarini, G, Chierici, R, Chincarini, A, Chiofalo, M L, Chiummo, A, Christensen, N, Ciani, G, Ciecielag, P, Cieślar, M, Cifaldi, M, Ciolfi, R, Cipriano, F, Clesse, S, Cleva, F, Coccia, E, Codazzo, E, Cohadon, P-F, Cohen, D E, Colombo, A, Colpi, M, Conti, L, Cordero-Carrión, I, Corezzi, S, Corre, D, Cortese, S, Coughlin, M, Coulon, J-P, Croquette, M, Cudell, J R, Cuoco, E, Curyło, M, Dabadie, P, Dal Canton, T, Dall'Osso, S, Dálya, G, D'Angelo, B, Danilishin, S, D'Antonio, S, Dattilo, V, Davier, M, Degallaix, J, De Laurentis, M, Deléglise, S, De Lillo, F, Dell'Aquila, D, Del Pozzo, W, De Matteis, F, Depasse, A, De Pietri, R, De Rosa, R, De Rossi, C, De Simone, R, Di Fiore, L, Di Giorgio, C, Di Giovanni, F, Di Giovanni, M, Di Girolamo, T, Di Lieto, A, Di Michele, A, Di Pace, S, Di Palma, I, Di Renzo, F, D'Onofrio, L, Drago, M, Ducoin, J-G, Dupletsa, U, Durante, O, D'Urso, D, Duverne, P-A, Eisenmann, M, Errico, L, Estevez, D, Fabrizi, F, Faedi, F, Fafone, V, Farinon, S, Favaro, G, Fays, M, Fenyvesi, E, Ferrante, I, Fidecaro, F, Figura, P, Fiori, A, Fiori, I, Fittipaldi, R, Fiumara, V, Flaminio, R, Font, J A, Frasca, S, Frasconi, F, Freise, A, Freitas, O, Fronzé, G G, Gamba, R, Garaventa, B, Garufi, F, Gemme, G, Gennai, A, Ghosh, A, Giacomazzo, B, Giacoppo, L, Giri, P, Gissi, F, Giunchi, C, Gkaitatzis, S, Goncharov, B, Gosselin, M, Gouaty, R, Grado, A, Granata, M, Granata, V, Greco, G, Grignani, G, Grimaldi, A, Grimm, S J, Gruning, P, Guerra, D, Guidi, G M, Guixé, G, Guo, Y, Gupta, P, Haegel, L, Halim, O, Hannuksela, O, Harder, T, Haris, K, Harms, J, Haskell, B, Heidmann, A, Heitmann, H, Hello, P, Hemming, G, Hennes, E, Hild, S, Hofman, D, Hui, V, Idzkowski, B, Iess, A, Iosif, P, Jacqmin, T, Jacquet, P-E, Janquart, J, Janssens, K, Jaranowski, P, Juste, V, Kalaghatgi, C, Karathanasis, C, Katsanevas, S, Kéfélian, F, Khetan, N, Koekoek, G, Koley, S, Kolstein, M, Królak, A, Kuijer, P, Lagabbe, P, Laghi, D, Lalleman, M, Lamberts, A, La Rosa, I, Lartaux-Vollard, A, Lazzaro, C, Leaci, P, Lemaître, A, Lenti, M, Leonova, E, Leroy, N, Letendre, N, Leyde, K, Linde, F, London, L, Longo, A, Lopez Portilla, M, Lorenzini, M, Loriette, V, Losurdo, G, Lumaca, D, Macquet, A, Magazzù, C, Magnozzi, M, Majorana, E, Maksimovic, I, Man, N, Mangano, V, Mantovani, M, Mapelli, M, Marchesoni, F, Marín Pina, D, Marion, F, Marquina, A, Marsat, S, Marteau, J, Martelli, F, Martinez, M, Martinez, V, Masserot, A, Mastrogiovanni, S, Meijer, Q, Menendez-Vazquez, A, Mereni, L, Merzougui, M, Miani, A, Michel, C, Milano, L, Miller, A, Miller, B, Milotti, E, Minenkov, Y, Mir, L M, Miravet-Tenés, M, Montani, M, Morawski, F, Mours, B, Mow-Lowry, C M, Muciaccia, F, Mukherjee, S, Mukund, N, Musenich, R, Nagar, A, Napolano, V, Nardecchia, I, Narola, H, Naticchioni, L, Neilson, J, Nguyen, C, Nissanke, S, Nitoglia, E, Nocera, F, Oganesyan, G, Olivetto, C, Olivieri, M, Pagano, G, Pagliaroli, G, Palomba, C, Pang, P T H, Pannarale, F, Paoletti, F, Paoli, A, Paolone, A, Pappas, G, Pascucci, D, Pasqualetti, A, Passaquieti, R, Passuello, D, Patricelli, B, Pedurand, R, Pegoraro, M, Perego, A, Pereira, A, Périgois, C, Perreca, A, Perriès, S, Pesios, D, Phukon, K S, Piccinni, O J, Pichot, M, Piendibene, M, Piergiovanni, F, Pierini, L, Pierro, V, Pillant, G, Pillas, M, Pilo, F, Pinard, L, Pinto, I M, Pinto, M, Piotrzkowski, K, Placidi, A, Placidi, E, Plastino, W, Poggiani, R, Polini, E, Porter, E K, Poulton, R, Pracchia, M, Pradier, T, Principe, M, Prodi, G A, Prosposito, P, Puecher, A, Punturo, M, Puosi, F, Puppo, P, Raaijmakers, G, Radulesco, N, Rapagnani, P, Razzano, M, Regimbau, T, Rei, L, Rettegno, P, Revenu, B, Reza, A, Ricci, F, Riemenschneider, G, Rinaldi, S, Robinet, F, Rocchi, A, Rolland, L, Romanelli, M, Romano, R, Romero, A, Ronchini, S, Rosa, L, Rosińska, D, Roy, S, Rozza, D, Ruggi, P, Salafia, O S, Salconi, L, Salemi, F, Samajdar, A, Sanchis-Gual, N, Sanuy, A, Sassolas, B, Sayah, S, Schmidt, S, Seglar-Arroyo, M, Sentenac, D, Sequino, V, Setyawati, Y, Sharma, A, Shcheblanov, N S, Sieniawska, M, Silenzi, L, Singh, N, Singha, A, Sipala, V, Soldateschi, J, Sordini, V, Sorrentino, F, Sorrentino, N, Soulard, R, Spagnuolo, V, Spera, M, Spinicelli, P, Stachie, C, Steer, D A, Steinlechner, J, Steinlechner, S, Stergioulas, N, Stratta, G, Suchenek, M, Sur, A, Swinkels, B L, Szewczyk, P, Tacca, M, Tanasijczuk, A J, Tapia San Martín, E N, Taranto, C, Thorne, K, Tonelli, M, Torres-Forné, A, Tosta E Melo, I, Trapananti, A, Travasso, F, Tringali, M C, Troiano, L, Trovato, A, Trozzo, L, Tsang, K W, Turbang, K, Turconi, M, Utina, A, Valentini, M, Van Bakel, N, Van Beuzekom, M, Van Dael, M, Van Den Brand, J F J, Van Den Broeck, C, Van Haevermaet, H, Van Heijningen, J V, Van Remortel, N, Vardaro, M, Vasúth, M, Vedovato, G, Verkindt, D, Verma, P, Vetrano, F, Viceré, A, Vinet, J-Y, Virtuoso, A, Vocca, H, Walet, R C, Was, M, ZadroÅ1/4ny, A, Zelenova, T & Zendri, J-P 2022, ' The Virgo O3 run and the impact of the environment ', Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 39, no. 23, 235009, pp. 1-40 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6382/ac776a
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39(23):235009, 1-40. IOP Publishing Ltd.
    Classical and quantum gravity
    Class.Quant.Grav., 2022, 39 (23), pp.235009. ⟨10.1088/1361-6382/ac776a⟩
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39(23), 1. IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39(23):235009. IOP PUBLISHING LTD
  • 7 .
    Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
    by Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N., et al. 
    Physical review D
    Physical Review D, 106(6):062002. American Physical Society
    Physical Review D, 106(6):062002. AMER PHYSICAL SOC
    Physical Review D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 106(6):062002. American Institute of Physics
    (LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, and KAGRA Collaboration) 2022, ' Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data ', Physical Review D, vol. 106, no. 6, 062002, pp. 1-23 . https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.062002
    Physical Review D, 106(6). American Institute of Physics
    Physical Review D
    Physical Review D, 106(6):062002, 1-23. American Physical Society
    Physical Review D, 2022, 106 (6), pp.062002. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevD.106.062002⟩
  • 7 .
    Search for subsolar-mass binaries in the first half of Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run
    by Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N., et al. 
    Physical Review Letters, 129(6):061104. American Physical Society
    Phys.Rev.Lett., 2022, 129 (6), pp.061104. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.061104⟩
    Physical review letters
    Physical Review Letters, 129, 1-16
    Physical Review Letters, 129(6), 1. American Physical Society
    Physical Review Letters, 129(6):061104. AMER PHYSICAL SOC
    Physical review letters, 129(6):061104, 1-16. American Physical Society
    Physical Review Letters, 129, 6, pp. 1-16
    (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) 2022, ' Search for Subsolar-Mass Binaries in the First Half of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's Third Observing Run ', Physical review letters, vol. 129, no. 6, 061104, pp. 1-16 . https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.061104
    Physical Review Letters
  • 7 .
    First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector, KAGRA, with GEO 600
    by Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N., et al. 
    PTEP, 2022, 2022 (6), pp.063F01. ⟨10.1093/ptep/ptac073⟩
    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration & the KAGRA Collaboration 2022, ' First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector KAGRA with GEO 600 ', PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, vol. 2022, no. 6, 063F01, pp. 1-37 . https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptac073
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2022(6), 1. Oxford University Press
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2022(6):063F01. Oxford University Press
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2022(6):063F01, 1-37. Oxford University press
  • 7 .
    All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs
    by Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N., et al. 
    Physical Review D, 105(12):122001. American Physical Society
    Physical Review D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 105(12):122001. American Institute of Physics
    Physical Review D, 105, 1-23
    Physical Review D, 105(12):122001. AMER PHYSICAL SOC
    Physical Review D
    Physical Review D, 2022, 105, pp.122001. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevD.105.122001⟩
    Physical Review D, 105, 12, pp. 1-23
    Physical Review D, 105(12), 1. American Institute of Physics
    Physical Review D, 105(12):122001, 1-23. American Physical Society
    (LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the KAGRA Collaboration) 2022, ' All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs ', Physical Review D, vol. 105, no. 12, 122001, pp. 1-23 . https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.105.122001
    Physical review D
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