

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 1건 | List 1~10

  • 1 .
    Essential Features of an Interstitial Lung Disease Multidisciplinary Meeting An International Delphi Survey
    by Alan K. Y. Teoh; Anne E. Holland; Julie Morisset; Kevin R. Flaherty; Athol U. Wells, et al. 
    Teoh, A K Y, Holland, A E, Morisset, J, Flaherty, K R, Wells, A U, Walsh, S L F, Glaspole, I, Wuyts, W A, Corte, T J, Adamali, H, Shirine Allam, J, Antillon, S, Antoniou, K M, Athanazio, R, Avdeev, S, Averyanov, A, Azuma, A, Baldi, B, Balestro, E, Bascom, R, Bastiampillai, S, Beckert, L, Behr, J, Beirne, P, Bennett, D, Borie, R, Bouros, D, Brockway, B, Brown, K, Callejas Gonzalez, F J, Castillo, D, Chaves, R C, Chambers, D, Chapman, S, Chaudhuri, N, Collard, H, Cottin, V, Crestani, B, Davidsen, J R, Dhasmana, D J, Dhooria, S, Enghelmayer, J I, Fabro, A T, Garcha, P, Goh, N, Gomez, A, Grainge, C, Handa, T, Huie, T, Hunninghake, G & the ILD MDM Dephi Collaborators 2022, ' Essential Features of an Interstitial Lung Disease Multidisciplinary Meeting An International Delphi Survey ', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 66-73 . https://doi.org/10.1513/AnnalsATS.202011-1421OC
    Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 19(1), 66-73. American Thoracic Society
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