electronics (2079-9292) (9)
journal of power electronics (7)
energies (19961073) (6)
energy reports (5)
histochemistry & cell biology (5)
journal of bionic engineering (4)
2019 ieee 3rd international electrical and energy conference (cieec), electrical and energy conference (cieec), 2019 ieee 3rd international (3)
2023 ieee pels students and young professionals symposium (syps), pels students and young professionals symposium (syps), 2023 ieee (3)
behavioural brain research (3)
chemical communications (3)
communications biology (3)
histochemistry and cell biology (3)
iet generation, transmission & distribution (wiley-blackwell) (3)
journal of hazardous materials (3)
molecular breeding (3)
nature communications (3)
reproductive toxicology (3)
science progress (3)
2017 international conference on computer technology, electronics and communication (icctec), computer technology, electronics and communication (icctec), 2017 international conference on (2)
2021 china automation congress (cac), automation congress (cac), 2021 china (2)
acs applied materials & interfaces (2)
cellular signalling (2)
chemical engineering journal (2)
chemosphere (2)
cns neuroscience & therapeutics (2)
computers in industry (2)
developmental cell (2)
dna & cell biology (2)
electric power systems research (2)
electrical engineering (2)
genes (2)
ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics (2)
international journal of molecular sciences (2)
journal of biological chemistry (2)
molecular and cellular biochemistry (2)
molecular and cellular biochemistry: an international journal for chemical biology in health and disease (2)
the 2nd international symposium on power electronics for distributed generation systems, power electronics for distributed generation systems (pedg), 2010 2nd ieee international symposium on (2)
2009 asia-pacific power and energy engineering conference, power and energy engineering conference, 2009. appeec 2009. asia-pacific (1)
2018 ieee 4th southern power electronics conference (spec), power electronics conference (spec), 2018 ieee 4th southern (1)
abstracts of papers of the american chemical society (1)
dna and cell biology (1)
electrical engineering: archiv fur elektrotechnik (1)
environmental pollution (1)
environmental toxicology and pharmacology (1)
journal of environmental pathology, toxicology & oncology (1)
materials chemistry and physics (1)
materials today communications (1)
molecular breeding: new strategies in plant improvement (1)
science in china series c: life sciences (1)
solid state electronics (1)