astronomical journal (42)
monthly notices of the royal astronomical society (26)
organic process research & development (21)
astrophysical journal (10)
astrophysical journal letters (10)
mcgill journal of education (10)
journal of organic chemistry (7)
nucleic acids research (7)
alberta journal of educational research (6)
anesthesiology (6)
anesthesia & analgesia (4)
brock education (4)
journal of critical care (4)
journal of pharmaceutical sciences (4)
journal of urology (4)
korean journal of anesthesiology (4)
simulation in healthcare (4)
academic radiology (3)
artificial intelligence in medicine (3)
bmc medical informatics & decision making (3)
canadian journal of science, mathematics & technology education (3)
canadian journal of science, mathematics and technology education (3)
eurasia journal of mathematics, science & technology education (3)
international electronic journal of elementary education (3)
journal of academic librarianship (3)
nature (3)
npj digital medicine (3)
australasian journal of educational technology (2)
brock education: a journal of educational research and practice (2)
canadian journal of learning & technology (2)
comparative & international education (2)
ecnu review of education (2)
eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education (2)
international journal of teaching & learning in higher education (2)
international journal of technology in education (ijte) (2)
journal of computers in mathematics & science teaching (2)
journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies (2)
nature communications (2)
seminars in cardiothoracic & vascular anesthesia (2)
water environment & technology (2)
2014 international conference on intelligent green building and smart grid (igbsg), intelligent green building and smart grid (igbsg), 2014 international conference on (1)
2023 ieee/acm 8th international workshop on metamorphic testing (met), metamorphic testing (met), 2023 ieee/acm 8th international workshop on, met (1)
2024 ieee/pes transmission and distribution conference and exposition (t&d), transmission and distribution conference and exposition (t&d), 2024 ieee/pes (1)
bmc medical informatics and decision making (1)
curriculum, learning, and teaching advancements in online education (1)
genetics in medicine open (1)
jpras open (1)
nature: international weekly journal of science (1)
plastic & reconstructive surgery-global open (1)
science & education: contributions from history, philosophy and sociology of science and mathematics (1)