ieee transactions on vehicular technology (27)
international journal of communication systems (13)
atmosphere (7)
climate dynamics (7)
2023 ieee 34th annual international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (pimrc), personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (pimrc), 2023 ieee 34th annual international symposium on (5)
asian nursing research (5)
dendrochronologia (5)
international journal of climatology (5)
2021 ieee wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), 2021 ieee (4)
bmc gastroenterology (4)
ieee transactions on wireless communications (4)
international journal of nursing knowledge (4)
palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology (4)
remote sensing (4)
2016 ieee international conference on network infrastructure and digital content (ic-nidc), network infrastructure and digital content (ic-nidc), 2016 ieee international conference on (3)
2017 ieee 28th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and mobile radio communications (pimrc), personal, indoor, and mobile radio communications (pimrc), 2017 ieee 28th annual international symposium on (3)
2018 ieee/cic international conference on communications in china (iccc workshops), communications in china (iccc workshops), 2018 ieee/cic international conference on (3)
2019 ieee wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), 2019 ieee (3)
2021 ieee international conference on communications workshops (icc workshops), communications workshops (icc workshops), 2021 ieee international conference on (3)
biological research for nursing (3)
china communications magazine (3)
china communications, communications, china, china commun. (3)
climatic change (3)
evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine (ecam) (3)
ieee wireless communications (3)
journal of bone & mineral metabolism (3)
journal of cancer research & therapeutics (3)
journal of cleaner production (3)
journal of forestry research (3)
journal of forestry research (1007662x) (3)
acta geologica sinica (english edition) (2)
atmospheric research (2)
bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology (2)
cellular physiology & biochemistry (karger ag) (2)
climate dynamics: observational, theoretical and computational research on the climate system (2)
climatic change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change (2)
ecological indicators (2)
geografiska annaler series a: physical geography (2)
ieee journal on selected areas in communications (2)
information (2078-2489) (2)
international archives of occupational & environmental health (2)
journal of bone and mineral metabolism (2)
journal of intelligent material systems & structures (2)
nature geoscience (2)
theoretical & applied climatology (2)
theoretical and applied climatology (2)
future generation computer systems (1)
global and planetary change (1)
journal of hydrology: regional studies (1)
sustainable cities and society (1)