ieee transactions on industrial electronics (9)
geofluids (8)
cell reports (6)
chemical engineering journal (6)
ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics (5)
diagnostics (2075-4418) (4)
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green chemistry (4)
international journal of pharmaceutics (4)
neurocomputing (4)
electrochimica acta (3)
evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine (ecam) (3)
gastrointestinal endoscopy (3)
ieee transactions on industry applications (3)
journal of environmental chemical engineering (3)
journal of food engineering (3)
management decision (3)
transactions of the american mathematical society (3)
2020 ieee 9th international power electronics and motion control conference (ipemc2020-ecce asia), power electronics and motion control conference (ipemc2020-ecce asia), 2020 ieee 9th international (2)
2021 ieee international ultrasonics symposium (ius), ultrasonics symposium (ius), 2021 ieee international (2)
2023 ieee 2nd international power electronics and application symposium (peas), power electronics and application symposium (peas), 2023 ieee 2nd international (2)
2023 ieee international conference on sensors, electronics and computer engineering (icsece), sensors, electronics and computer engineering (icsece), 2023 ieee international conference on (2)
2024 ieee international reliability physics symposium (irps), international reliability physics symposium (irps), 2024 ieee (2)
advanced functional materials (2)
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iecon 2020 the 46th annual conference of the ieee industrial electronics society, industrial electronics society (iecon), 2020 the 46th annual conference of the ieee (2)
ieee transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics & frequency control (2)
international journal of biological macromolecules (2)
isprs international journal of geo-information (2)
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journal of environmental management (2)
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