applied thermal engineering (7)
aip advances (3)
ieee transactions on components, packaging & manufacturing technology (3)
journal of microelectromechanical systems (3)
2022 ieee 35th international conference on micro electro mechanical systems conference (mems), micro electro mechanical systems conference (mems), 2022 ieee 35th international conference on (2)
2023 ieee 18th international conference on nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (nems), nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (nems), 2023 ieee 18th international conference on (2)
ieee transactions on electron devices (2)
international journal of modern physics a: particles & fields; gravitation; cosmology; nuclear physics (2)
journal of micromechanics and microengineering (2)
2014 ieee workshop on advanced research & technology in industry applications (wartia) (1)
2014 ieee workshop on advanced research and technology in industry applications (wartia), advanced research and technology in industry applications (wartia), 2014 ieee workshop on (1)
2017 19th international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems (transducers), solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems (transducers), 2017 19th international conference on (1)
2021 ieee 16th international conference on nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (nems), nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (nems), 2021 ieee 16th international conference on (1)
2022 23rd international conference on electronic packaging technology (icept), electronic packaging technology (icept), 2022 23rd international conference on (1)
2023 ieee 25th electronics packaging technology conference (eptc), electronics packaging technology conference (eptc), 2023 ieee 25th (1)
2023 ieee 73rd electronic components and technology conference (ectc), electronic components and technology conference (ectc), 2023 ieee 73rd, ectc (1)
electronics (1)
electronics (2079-9292) (1)
energy conversion & management (1)
energy conversion and management (1)
engineering (1)
engineering / chinese academy of engineering (1)
ieee sensors journal (1)
international journal of modern physics a (1)