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    Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends: An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries
    by Jane Pirkis; David Gunnell; Sangsoo Shin; Marcos Del Pozo-Banos; Vikas Arya, et al. 
    Pirkis, J, Gunnell, D, Shin, S, Del Pozo-Banos, M, Arya, V, Aguilar, P A, Appleby, L, Arafat, S M Y, Arensman, E, Ayuso-Mateos, J L, Balhara, Y P S, Bantjes, J, Baran, A, Behera, C, Bertolote, J, Borges, G, Bray, M, Brečić, P, Caine, E, Calati, R, Carli, V, Castelpietra, G, Chan, L F, Chang, S-S, Colchester, D, Coss-Guzmán, M, Crompton, D, Ćurković, M, Dandona, R, De Jaegere, E, De Leo, D, Deisenhammer, E A, Dwyer, J, Erlangsen, A, Faust, J S, Fornaro, M, Fortune, S, Garrett, A, Gentile, G, Gerstner, R, Gilissen, R, Gould, M, Gupta, S K, Hawton, K, Holz, F, Kamenshchikov, I, Kapur, N, Kasal, A, Khan, M, Kirtley, O J, Knipe, D, Kõlves, K, Kölzer, S C, Krivda, H, Leske, S, Madeddu, F, Marshall, A, Memon, A, Mittendorfer-Rutz, E, Nestadt, P, Neznanov, N, Niederkrotenthaler, T, Nielsen, E, Nordentoft, M, Oberlerchner, H, O'Connor, R C, Papsdorf, R, Partonen, T, Phillips, M R, Platt, S, Portzky, G, Psota, G, Qin, P, Radeloff, D, Reif, A, Reif-Leonhard, C, Rezaeian, M, Román-Vázquez, N, Roskar, S, Rozanov, V, Sara, G, Scavacini, K, Schneider, B, Semenova, N, Sinyor, M, Tambuzzi, S, Townsend, E, Ueda, M, Wasserman, D, Webb, R T, Winkler, P, Yip, P S F, Zalsman, G, Zoja, R, John, A & Spittal, M J 2022, ' Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends : An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries ', EClinicalMedicine, vol. 51, pp. 101573 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101573
    Pirkis, J, Gunnell, D, Shin, S, Del Pozo-Banos, M, Arya, V, Aguilar, P A, Appleby, L, Arafat, S M Y, Arensman, E, Ayuso-Mateos, J L, Balhara, Y P S, Bantjes, J, Baran, A, Behera, C, Bertolote, J, Borges, G, Bray, M, Brečić, P, Caine, E, Calati, R, Carli, V, Castelpietra, G, Chan, L F, Chang, S-S, Colchester, D, Coss-Guzmán, M, Crompton, D, Ćurković, M, Dandona, R, De Jaegere, E, De Leo, D, Deisenhammer, E A, Dwyer, J, Erlangsen, A, Faust, J S, Fornaro, M, Fortune, S, Garrett, A, Gentile, G, Gerstner, R, Gilissen, R, Gould, M, Gupta, S K, Hawton, K, Holz, F, Kamenshchikov, I, Kapur, N, Kasal, A, Khan, M, Kirtley, O J, Knipe, D, Kõlves, K, Kölzer, S C, Krivda, H, Leske, S, Madeddu, F, Marshall, A, Memon, A, Mittendorfer-Rutz, E, Nestadt, P, Neznanov, N, Niederkrotenthaler, T, Nielsen, E, Nordentoft, M, Oberlerchner, H, O'Connor, R C, Papsdorf, R, Partonen, T, Phillips, M R, Platt, S, Portzky, G, Psota, G, Qin, P, Radeloff, D, Reif, A, Reif-Leonhard, C, Rezaeian, M, Román-Vázquez, N, Roskar, S, Rozanov, V, Sara, G, Scavacini, K, Schneider, B, Semenova, N, Sinyor, M, Tambuzzi, S, Townsend, E, Ueda, M, Wasserman, D, Webb, R T, Winkler, P, Yip, P S F, Zalsman, G, Zoja, R, John, A & Spittal, M J 2022, ' Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends : An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries ', EClinicalMedicine, vol. 51, 101573 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101573
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