

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 244건 | 목록 1~10

  • 7 .
    Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population
    by Shvetsova, E; Sofronova, A; Monajemi, R; Gagalova, K; Draisma, HHM, et al. 
    European Journal of Human Genetics
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 27(3), 455-465. Nature Publishing Group
    European journal of human genetics, 27(3), 455-465. Nature Publishing Group
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 27(3), 455-465
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 27, 455-465
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 27(3), 455. Nature Publishing Group
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 27, 3, pp. 455-465
    Shvetsova, E, 't Hoen, P A C, Boomsma, D I, Pool, R, van Dongen, J, Hottenga, J J, Willemsen, G & BIOS Consortium 2019, ' Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population ', European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 455-465 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41431-018-0291-3
    Shvetsova, E, Sofronova, A, Monajemi, R, Gagalova, K, Draisma, H H M, White, S J, Santen, G W E, Chuva de Sousa Lopes, S M, Heijmans, B T, van Meurs, J, Jansen, R, Franke, L, Kiełbasa, S M, den Dunnen, J T, ‘t Hoen, P A C & BIOS Consortium 2019, ' Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population ', European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 455-465 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41431-018-0291-3
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    Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness
    by Bigdeli, T. B; Ripke, S; Bacanu, Sa; Lee, S. H; Wray, Nr, et al. 
    American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 276-289. Wiley-Liss Inc.
    ISSUE=171B;STARTPAGE=276;ENDPAGE=289;ISSN=1552-4841;TITLE=American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
    American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
    American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics, 171BB(2), 276-289. Wiley-Liss Inc.
    Bigdeli, T B, Ripke, S, Bacanu, S A, Lee, S H, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics, U & Posthuma, D 2016, ' Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness. ', American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, no. 171B, 2, pp. 276-289 . https://doi.org/10.1002/ajmg.b.32402
    American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171(2), 276-289. Wiley
    American journal of medical genetics: part B: neuropsychiatric genetics
  • 7 .
    Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants across 11 common diseases
    by Gusev, A; Lee, Sh; SWE SCZ, Consortium; O'Dushlaine, Cgusev; Trynka, G, et al. 
    American journal of human genetics, 95(5), 535-552. Cell Press
    American Journal of Human Genetics, 95(5), 535-52. Cell Press
    Gusev, A, Lee, S H, Trynka, G, Finucane, H, Vilhjálmsson, B J, Xu, H, Zang, C, Ripke, S, Bulik-Sullivan, B, Stahl, E, Kähler, A K, Hultman, C M, Purcell, S M, McCarroll, S A, Daly, M, Pasaniuc, B, Sullivan, P F, Neale, B M, Wray, N R, Raychaudhuri, S, Price, A L & Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (Manuel Mattheisen and Jakob Grove, members) 2014, ' Partitioning Heritability of Regulatory and Cell-Type-Specific Variants across 11 Common Diseases ', American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 535-52 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.10.004
    Gusev, A, Lee, S H, Trynka, G, Finucane, H, Vilhjálmsson, B J, Xu, H, Zang, Z, Ripke, S, Bulik-Sullivan, B K, Stahl, E, Kähler, A K, Hultman, C M, Purcell, S M, McCarroll, S A, Daly, M, Pasaniuc, B, Sullivan, P F, Neale, B M, Wray, N R, Raychaudhuri, S & Price, A L 2014, ' Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants across 11 common diseases. ', American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 535-552 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.10.004
    The American Journal of Human Genetics
    American Journal of Human Genetics, 95(5), 535-552. Cell Press
  • 7 .
    An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes
    by Altshuler, DM; Durbin, RM; Abecasis, GR; Bentley, DR; Chakravarti, A, et al. 
    Nature, Vol. 491, No 7422 (2012) pp. 56-65
    Dipòsit Digital de la UB
    Universidad de Barcelona
    Nature: international weekly journal of science
    Recercat. Dipósit de la Recerca de Catalunya
    Genome Biology
  • 7 .
    Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia
    by Ripke, S; O'Dushlaine, C; Chambert, K; Moran, Jl; Kähler, Ak, et al. 
    Nature Genetics, 45(10), 1150-1159. Nature Publishing Group
    Ripke, S, O'Dushlaine, C, Chambert, K, Moran, J L, Kähler, A K, Akterin, S, Bergen, S E, Collins, A L, Crowley, J J, Fromer, M, Kim, Y, Lee, S H, Magnusson, P K, Sanchez, N, Stahl, E A, Williams, S, Wray, N R, Xia, K, Bettella, F, Borglum, A D, Bulik-Sullivan, B K, Cormican, P, Craddock, N, de Leeuw, C A, Durmishi, N, Gill, M, Golimbet, V, Hamshere, M L, Holmans, P, Hougaard, D M, Kendler, K S, Lin, K, Morris, D W, Mors, O, Mortensen, P B, Neale, B M, O'Neill, F A, Owen, M J, Milovancevic, M P, Posthuma, D, Powell, J, Richards, A L, Riley, B P, Ruderfer, D, Rujescu, D, Sigurdsson, E, Silagadze, T, Smit, A B, Stefansson, H, Steinberg, S, Suvisaari, J, Tosato, S, Verhage, M, Walters, T J, Levinson, D F, Gejman, P V, Laurent, C, Mowry, B J, O'Donovan, M C, Pulver, A E, Schwab, S G, Wildenauer, D B, Dudbridge, F, Shi, J, Albus, M, Alexander, M, Campion, D, Cohen, D, Dikeos, D, Duan, J, Eichhammer, P, Godard, S, Hansen, M, Lerer, F B, Liang, K Y, Maier, W, Mallet, J, Nertney, D A, Nestadt, G, Norton, N, O'Neill, F A, Papadimitriou, G N, Ribble, R, Sanders, A R, Silverman, J M, Wormley, B, Arranz, M J, Bakker, S, Bender, S, Bramon, E, Collier, D, Crespo-Facorro, B, Hall, J, Iyegbe, C, Jablensky, A, Kahn, R S, Kalaydjieva, L, Lawrie, S M, Lewis, C M, Linszen, D H, Mata, I, McIntosh, A, Murray, R M, Ophoff, R A, van Os, J, Walshe, M, Weisbrod, M, Wiersma, D, Donnely, P, Barasso, I, Blackwell, J M, Brown, M A, Casas, J P, Corvin, A P, Deloukas, P, Duncanson, A, Jankowski, J, Markus, H S, Mathew, C G, Palmer, C N, Plomin, R, Rautanen, A, Sawcer, S J, Trembath, R C, Viswanathan, A C, Wood, N W, Spencer, C C, Band, G, Bellenguez, C, Freeman, C, Hellenthal, G, Giannoulatou, E, Pirinen, M, Pearson, R D, Strange, A, Su, Z, Vukcevic, D, Langford, C, Hunt, S E, Edkins, S, Gwilliam, R, Blackburn, H, Bumpstead, S, Dronov, S, Gillman, M, Gray, E, Hammond, N, Jayakumar, A, McCann, O T, Liddle, J, Potter, S C, Ravindrarajah, R, Ricketts, M, Tashakkori-Ghanbaria, A, Waller, M J, Weston, P, Widaa, S, Whittaker, P, Barrroso, I, McCarthy, M I, Spencer, C C, Stefansson, K, Scolnick, E, Purcell, S, McCarroll, S A, Sklar, P, Hultman, C M & Sullivan, P F 2013, ' Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia ', Nature Genetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1150-1159 . https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.2742
    Nature genetics, 45(10), 1150-1159. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Genetics, 45(10), 1150-U282. Nature Publishing Group
    Ripke, S, O'Dushlaine, C, Chambert, K, Moran, J L, Kähler, A K, Akterin, S, Bergen, S E, Collins, A L, Crowley, J J, Fromer, M, Kim, Y, Lee, S H, Magnusson, P K E, Sanchez, N, Stahl, E A, Williams, S, Wray, N R, Xia, K, Bettella, F, Bulik-Sullivan, B K, Cormican, P, Craddock, N, de Leeuw, C, Durmishi, N, Gill, M, Golimbet, V, Hamshere, M L, Holmans, P, Hougaard, D M, Kendler, K S, Lin, K, Morris, D W, Mors, O, Mortensen, P B, Neale, B M, O'Neill, F A, Owen, M J, Milovancevic, M P, Posthuma, D, Powell, J, Richards, A L, Riley, B P, Ruderfer, D, Rujescu, D, Sigurdsson, E, Silagadze, T, Smit, A B, Stefansson, H, Steinberg, S, Børglum, A & Multicenter Genetic Studies of Schizophrenia Consortium 2013, ' Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia ', Nature Genetics . https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.2742
    Ripke, S, O'Dushlaine, C, Chambert, K, Moran, J L, Kähler, A K, Akterin, S, Bergen, S E, Collins, A L, Crowley, J J, Fromer, M, Kim, Y, Lee, S H, Magnusson, P K E, Sanchez, N, Stahl, E A, Williams, S, Wray, N R, Xia, K, Bettella, F, Borglum, A D, Bulik-Sullivan, B K, Cormican, P, Craddock, N, de Leeuw, C, Durmishi, N, Gill, M, Golimbet, V, Hamshere, M L, Holmans, P, Hougaard, D M, Kendler, K S, Lin, K, Morris, D W, Mors, O, Mortensen, P B, Neale, B M, O'Neill, F A, Owen, M J, Milovancevic, M P, Posthuma, D, Powell, J, Richards, A L, Riley, B P, Ruderfer, D, Rujescu, D, Sigurdsson, E, Silagadze, T, Hall, J & Lawrie, S & McIntosh, A 2013, ' Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia ', Nature Genetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1150-9 . https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.2742
  • 7 .
    Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders
    by den Hoed, M; Eijgelsheim, M; Esko, T; Brundel, Bj; Peal, Ds, et al. 
    den Hoed, M, Eijgelsheim, M, Esko, T, Brundel, B J J M, Peal, D S, Evans, D M, Nolte, I M, Segrè, A V, Holm, H, Handsaker, R E, Westra, H-J, Johnson, T, Isaacs, A, Yang, J, Lundby, A, Zhao, J H, Kim, Y J, Go, M J, Almgren, P, Bochud, M, Boucher, G, Cornelis, M C, Gudbjartsson, D, Hadley, D, van der Harst, P, Hayward, C, den Heijer, M, Igl, W, Jackson, A U, Kutalik, Z, Luan, J, Kemp, J P, Kristiansson, K, Ladenvall, C, Lorentzon, M, Montasser, M E, Njajou, O T, O'Reilly, P F, Padmanabhan, S, St Pourcain, B, Rankinen, T, Salo, P, Tanaka, T, Timpson, N J, Vitart, V, Navarro, P, Polasek, O, Wild, S H & Wilson, J F & Rudan, I 2013, ' Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders ', Nature Genetics, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 621-. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.2610
    Nature Genetics, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 621-631
    Nature Genetics, 45(6), 621-631. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Genetics, 45(6), 621-31. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Genetics, 45, 621-31
    Nature Genetics, 45(6), 621-+. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Genetics, 45, 6, pp. 621-31
    den Hoed, M A H, Eijgelsheim, M, Esko, T, Brundel, B J, Peal, D S, Evans, D M, Nolte, I M, Segrè, A V, Holm, H, Handsaker, R E, Westra, H J, Johnson, T, Isaacs, A, Yang, L, Lundby, A, Zhao, J H, Kim, Y J, Go, M J, Almgren, P, Bochud, M, Boucher, G, Cornelis, M C, Gudbjartsson, D F, Hadley, D, van der Harst, P, Hayward, C, den Heijer, M, Igl, W, Jackson, A U, Kutalik, Z, Luan, J, Kemp, J P, Kristiansson, K, Ladenvall, C, Lorentzon, M, Montasser, M E, Njajou, O T, O'Reilly, P F, Padmanabhan, S, St Pourcain, B, Rankinen, T, Salo, P, Tanaka, T, Timpson, N J, Vitart, V, Waite, L, Wheeler, W, Zhang, W, Draisma, H H M, Feitosa, M F, Kerr, K F, Lind, P A, Mihailov, E, Onland-Moret, N C, Song, C, Weedon, M N, Xie, W, Yengo, L, Absher, D, Albert, C M, Alonso, A, Arking, D E, de Bakker, P I, Balkau, B, Barlassina, C, Benaglio, P, Bis, J C, Bouatia-Naji, N, Brage, S, Chanock, S J, Chines, P S, Chung, M, Darbar, D, Dina, C, Dörr, M, Elliott, P, Felix, S B, Fischer, K, Fuchsberger, C, de Geus, E J C, Goyette, P, Gudnason, V, Harris, T B, Hartikainen, A L, Havulinna, A S, Heckbert, S R, Hicks, A A, Hofman, A, Holewijn, S, Hoogstra-Berends, F, Hottenga, J J, Jensen, M K, Johansson, A, Junttila, J, Kääb, S, Kanon, B, Ketkar, S, Khaw, K T, Knowles, J W, Kooner, A S, Kors, J A, Kumari, M, Milani, L, Laiho, P, Lakatta, E G, Langenberg, C, Leusink, M, Liu, Y, Luben, R N, Lunetta, K L, Lynch, S N, Markus, M R, Marques-Vidal, P, Mateo Leach, I, McArdle, W L, McCarroll, S A, Medland, S E, Miller, K A, Montgomery, G W, Morrison, A C, Müller-Nurasyid, M, Navarro, P, Nelis, M, O'Connell, J R, O'Donnell, C J, Ong, K K, Newman, A B, Peters, A, Polasek, O, Pouta, A, Pramstaller, P P, Psaty, B M, Rao, D C, Ring, S M, Rossin, E J, Rudan, D, Sanna, S, Scott, R A, Sehmi, J S, Sharp, S, Shin, J T, Singleton, A B, Smith, A V, Soranzo, N, Spector, T D, Stewart, C, Stringham, H M, Tarasov, K V, Uitterlinden, A G, Vandenput, L, Hwang, S J, Whitfield, J B, Wijmenga, C, Wild, S H, Willemsen, G, Wilson, J F, Witteman, J C, Wong, A, Wong, Q, Jamshidi, Y, Zitting, P, Boer, J M, Boomsma, D I, Borecki, I B, van Duijn, C M, Ekelund, U, Forouhi, N G, Froguel, P, Hingorani, A D, Ingelsson, E, Kivimaki, M, Kronmal, R A, Kuh, D, Lind, L, Martin, N G, Oostra, B A, Pedersen, N L, Quertermous, T, Rotter, J I, van der Schouw, Y T, Verschuren, W M, Walker, M, Albanes, D, Arnar, D O, Assimes, T L, Bandinelli, S, Boehnke, M, de Boer, R A, Bouchard, C, Caulfield, W L, Chambers, J C, Curhan, G, Cusi, D, Eriksson, J, Ferrucci, L, van Gilst, W H, Glorioso, N, de Graaf, J, Groop, L, Gyllensten, U, Hsueh, W C, Hu, F B, Huikuri, H V, Hunter, D J, Iribarren, C, Isomaa, B, Järvelin, M R, Jula, A, Kähönen, M, Kiemeney, L A, van der Klauw, M M, Kooner, J S, Kraft, P, Iacoviello, L, Lehtimäki, T, Lokki, M L, Mitchell, B D, Navis, G, Nieminen, M S, Ohlsson, C, Poulter, N R, Qi, L, Raitakari, O T, Rimm, E B, Rioux, J D, Rizzi, F, Rudan, I, Salomaa, V, Sever, P S, Shields, D C, Shuldiner, A R, Sinisalo, J, Stanton, A V, Stolk, R P, Strachan, D P, Tardif, J C, Thorsteinsdottir, U, Tuomilehto, J, van Veldhuisen, D J, Virtamo, J, Viikari, J, Vollenweider, P, Waeber, G, Widen, E, Cho, Y S, Olsen, J V, Visscher, P M, Willer, C J, Franke, L, Erdmann, J, Thompson, J R, Pfeufer, A, Sotoodehnia, N, Newton-Cheh, C, Ellinor, P T, Stricker, B H C, Metspalu, A, Perola, M, Beckmann, J S, Smith, G D, Stefansson, K, Wareham, N J, Munroe, P B, Sibon, O C M, Milan, D J, Snieder, H, Samani, N J & Loos, R J 2013, ' Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders ', Nature Genetics, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 621-631 . https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.2610
    Nature Genetics
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