

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 1건 | 목록 1~10

  • 1 .
    An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves
    by Oskar, Wysocki; Cong, Zhou; Jacobo, Rogado; Prerana, Huddar; Rohan, Shotton, et al. 
    Wysocki, O, Zhou, C, Rogado, J, Huddar, P, Shotton, R, Tivey, A, Albiges, L, Angelakas, A, Arnold, D, Aung, T, Banfill, K, Baxter, M, Barlesi, F, Bayle, A, Besse, B, Bhogal, T, Boyce, H, Britton, F, Calles, A, Castelo-Branco, L, Copson, E, Croitoru, A, Dani, S S, Dickens, E, Eastlake, L, Fitzpatrick, P, Foulon, S, Frederiksen, H, Ganatra, S, Gennatas, S, Glenthøj, A, Gomes, F, Graham, D M, Hague, C, Harrington, K, Harrison, M, Horsley, L, Hoskins, R, Hudson, Z, Jakobsen, L H, Joharatnam-Hogan, N, Khan, S, Khan, U T, Khan, K, Lewis, A, Massard, C, Maynard, A, McKenzie, H, Michielin, O, Mosenthal, A C & on behalf of the ESMO Co-Care 2022, ' An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves ', Cancers, vol. 14, no. 16, 3931 . https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14163931
    Cancers; Volume 14; Issue 16; Pages: 3931
    Wysocki, O, Zhou, C, Rogado, J, Huddar, P, Shotton, R, Tivey, A, Albiges, L, Angelakas, A, Arnold, D, Aung, T, Banfill, K, Baxter, M, Barlesi, F, Bayle, A, Besse, B, Bhogal, T, Boyce, H, Britton, F, Calles, A, Castelo-Branco, L, Copson, E, Croitoru, A, Dani, S S, Dickens, E, Eastlake, L, Fitzpatrick, P, Foulon, S, Frederiksen, H, Ganatra, S, Gennatas, S, Glenthøj, A, Gomes, F, Graham, D M, Hague, C, Harrington, K, Harrison, M, Horsley, L, Hoskins, R, Hudson, Z, Jakobsen, L H, Joharatnam-Hogan, N, Khan, S, Khan, U T, Khan, K, Lewis, A, Massard, C, Maynard, A, McKenzie, H, Michielin, O, Mosenthal, A C, Obispo, B, Palmieri, C, Patel, R, Pentheroudakis, G, Peters, S, Rieger-Christ, K, Robinson, T, Romano, E, Rowe, M, Sekacheva, M, Sheehan, R, Stockdale, A, Thomas, A, Turtle, L, Viñal, D, Weaver, J, Williams, S, Wilson, C, Dive, C, Landers, D, Cooksley, T, Freitas, A, Armstrong, A C, Lee, R J, On Behalf Of The Esmo Co-Care & ESMO Co-Care 2022, ' An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves ', Cancers, vol. 14, no. 16, 3931 . https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14163931
    Cancers, 2022, 14 (16), ⟨10.3390/cancers14163931⟩
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