

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 7건 | 목록 1~10

  • 1 .
    Mortality from esophagectomy for esophageal cancer across low, middle, and high-income countries: An international cohort study
    by Kamarajah, Sk; Nepogodiev, D; Bekele, A; Cecconello, I; Evans, Rpt, et al. 
    European journal of surgical oncology, Vol. 47, No 6 (2021) pp. 1481-1488
    Dikinis, S, Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Collaborators, Mortensen, P B, Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Writing Committee, Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Steering Committee, Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: National Leads & Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Site Leads 2021, ' Mortality from esophagectomy for esophageal cancer across low, middle, and high-income countries : An international cohort study ', European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1481-1488 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejso.2020.12.006
    Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Writing Committee 2021, ' Mortality from esophagectomy for esophageal cancer across low, middle, and high-income countries : An international cohort study ', European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1481-1488 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejso.2020.12.006
    Kamarajah, S K, Nepogodiev, D, Bekele, A, Cecconello, I, Evans, R P T, Guner, A, Gossage, J A, Harustiak, T, Hodson, J, Isik, A, Kidane, B, Leon-Takahashi, A M, Mahendran, H A, Negoi, I, Okonta, K E, Rosero, G, Sayyed, R H, Singh, P, Takeda, F R, van Hillegersberg, R, Vohra, R S, White, R E, Griffiths, E A, Alderson, D, Bundred, J, Gossage, J, Jefferies, B, McKay, S, Mohamed, I, Siaw-Acheampong, K, Vohra, R, Wanigasooriya, K, Whitehouse, T, Gjata, A, Moreno, J I, Guevara, C R, Kechagias, A, Gockel, I, Kennedy, A, Da Roit, A, Bagajevas, A, Azagra, J S, Mejía-Fernández, L, Wijnhoven, B P L, El Kafsi, J, Sousa, M, Sampaio, A S, Larsen, M H, Stilling, N M, Eckardt, J, Oesophago-Gastric Anastomotic Audit (OGAA) Collaborative: Writing Committee, Steering Committee, National Leads, Site Leads & Collaborators 2021, ' Mortality from esophagectomy for esophageal cancer across low, middle, and high-income countries : An international cohort study ', European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1481-1488 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejso.2020.12.006
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 47, 6, pp. 1481-1488
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 47, 1481-1488
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 47(6), 1481-1488. W.B. Saunders
  • 7 .
    Simultaneous denitrification and desalination of groundwater in 3-chamber BES configuration
    by Puggioni G.; Milia S.; Dessì E.; Unali V.; Pous N., et al. 
    1st VIRTUAL ISMET MEETING, 7-9/10/2020
    info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Puggioni G.; Milia S.; Dessì E.; Unali V.; Pous N.; Puig S.; Carucci A./congresso_nome:1st VIRTUAL ISMET MEETING/congresso_luogo:/congresso_data:7-9%2F10%2F2020/anno:2020/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine
  • 7 .
    Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes
    by Li C. H.; Prokopec S. D.; Sun R. X.; Yousif F.; Schmitz N., et al. 
    Nature Communications, 11 (1)
    Nature communications, vol 11, iss 1
    Nature Communications
    Li, C H, Prokopec, S D, Sun, R X, Yousif, F, Schmitz, N, PCAWG Tumour Subtypes and Clinical Translation, Boutros, P C & PCAWG Consortium 2020, ' Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, 4330 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17359-2
    Nature Communications, 11
    Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
    Li, Constance H; Prokopec, Stephenie D; Sun, Ren X; Yousif, Fouad; Schmitz, Nathaniel; Boutros, Paul C (2020). Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes. Nature communications, 11(1), p. 4330. 10.1038/s41467-020-17359-2
    RUO. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Oviedo
    Nature communications, 11 (1
    Nature communications, 11(1):4330. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Communications, 11, 1
    Li, C H, Prokopec, S D, Sun, R X, Yousif, F, Schmitz, N, Boutros, P C, PCAWG Tumour Subtypes and Clinical Translation & Brunak, S 2020, ' Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes ', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 4330 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17359-2
    Nature Communications, Vol 11, Iss 1, Pp 1-24 (2020)
    Dipòsit Digital de la UB
    Universidad de Barcelona
    Li, C H, Prokopec, S D, Sun, R X, Yousif, F, Schmitz, N & Boutros, P C 2020, ' Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes ', Nat Commun, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 4330 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17359-2
    Nature Communications, 11(1):4330. Nature Publishing Group
  • 7 .
    International Variation in Surgical Practices in Units Performing Oesophagectomy for Oesophageal Cancer: A Unit Survey from the Oesophago-Gastric Anastomosis Audit (OGAA)
    by Bundred, J. R.; Kamarajah, S. K.; Siaw-Acheampong, K.; Nepogodiev, D.; Jefferies, B., et al. 
    World Journal of Surgery, 43(11), 2874-2884. Springer New York
    World Journal of Surgery, 43(11), 2874. Springer New York
    JR, B, Kamarajah, S K, Siaw-Acheampong, K, Nepogodiev, D, Jefferies, B, Singh, P, Malpass-Evans, R, Griffiths, E A, Alderson, D, Gossage, J A, Mckay, S, Mohamed, I, van Hillegersberg, R, Vohra, R, Wanigsooriya, K, Whitehouse, T, Bagajevas, A, Bekele, A, Blanco-Colino, R, Da Roit, A, El Kafsi-Mawley, J, Gjata, A, Gockel, I, Castro, R G, Harustiak, T, Hsu, P K, Isik, A, Kechagias, A, Kennedy, A, Kidane, B, Mahendran, H A, Mejia, L, Moreno, J I, Negoi, I, Santiago, A J, Sayyed, R, Schneider, P, Soares, S P, Sousa, M, Takeda, F R, Vanstraten, S, Wallner, B, Wijnhoven, B P L, Achiam, M, Agustin, T, Akbar, A, Al-Bahrani, A Z, Al-Khyatt, W, Albertsmeier, M, Alghunaim, E, Alkhaffaf, B, Allum, W, Am, F, Andreollo, N, Arndt, A, Babor, R, Barbosa, J, Bardini bressan, R, Beardsmore, D, Beban, G, Bernardes, A, Berrisford, R, Bianchi, A, Bjelovic, M, Boddy, A, Bolca, C, Bonavina, L, Bryce, G, Byrom, R, Casaca, R, Chan, D, Charalabopoulos, A, Cheong, E S, Ciotola, F, Colak, E, Collins, C, Constantinoiu, S, Costa, R, Dahlke, M, Darling, G, Dawas, K, de Manzoni, G, Denewer, A, Devadas, M, Dexter, S, Dikinis, S, Dimitrios, T, Dolan, J, Doung, C, Egberts, J H, Elgharably, Y, Elhadi, M, Elmahi, S, Farias, F A, Fekaj, E, Fernandez, J, Forshaw, M, Freire, J, French, D, Gacevski, G, Gaedcke, J, Gananadha, S, Gijon, M M, Gokhale, J, Gordon, A, Grimminger, P, Guevara, R, Guner, A, Gutknecht, S, Mahmoodzadeh, H, Halldestam, I, Hedberg, J, Heisterkamp, J, Higgs, S, Hii, M, Hindmarsh, A, Hoppner, J, Isaza, A, Izbicki, J R, Jacobs, R, Jain, P, Johansson, J, Johnston, B, Kafsi, J, Kassa, S, Kelty, C, Khan, I, Khoo, D, Khyatt, S, Kjaer, D, Korkolis, D, Kreuser, N, Larsen, M, Lau, P, Leite, J, Lewis, W, Liakakos, T, Loureiro, C, Mahendran, A, Maynard, N D, McGregor, R, McNally, S, Medina-Franco, H, Meguid, R, Melhado, R, Mercer, S, Migliore, M, Mingol, F, Mogoanta, S, Mohri, Y, Monig, S, Moreno, J, Motas, N, Murphy, T, Naqi, S, Ni, R, Niazi, S, Oglesby, S, Okonta, K, Ortiz, S R, K, P, Palazzo, F, Pascher, A, Pascual, M, Pata, G, Pera, M, Puig, S, Ramirez, J, Raptis, D A, Rasanen, J, Reim, D, Reynolds, J, Robb, W, Robertson, K, Rosero, G, Rosman, C, Rossaak, J, Saarnio, J, Santiago, A, Schiesser, M, Scurtu, R R, Sekhniaidze, D, Sevinc, B, Skipworth, R, So, J, Trugeda, M S, Syed, A, Takahashi, A M L, Takeda, F, Talbot, M, Tareen, M, Terashima, M, Testini, M, Tewari, N, Tez, M, Thomas, M, Tirnaksiz, M, Tonini, V, Tu, C C, Turner, P, Underwood, T, Uzair, A, Vallve-Bernal, M, Valmasoni, M, Vicente, C, Videira, J F, Viswanath, Y, Weindelmayer, J, White, R, Wigle, D, Wilkerson, P M, Wills, V, Zacharakis, E & Zuluaga, M 2019, ' International Variation in Surgical Practices in Units Performing Oesophagectomy for Oesophageal Cancer: A Unit Survey from the Oesophago-Gastric Anastomosis Audit (OGAA). ', World Journal of Surgery . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00268-019-05080-1
    World journal of surgery, Vol. 43, No 11 (2019) pp. 2874-2884
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