

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 19건 | 목록 1~10

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    BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19
    by E. Abahuje; A. Abbas; M. Abd El Aziz Abd El Maksoud; A. Abdelhady; S. Abdelhamid, et al. 
    BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
    Abahuje, E, Abbas, A, Abd el Aziz Abd el Maksoud, M, Abdelhady, A, Abdelhamid, S, Abdelkarem Ahmed Faraj, H, Abdelqader, B, Abdelrahman, T, Abdou, H, Abdullah, A, Abedua Harrison, M, Abem Owusu, E, Aboalazayem, A, Aboulhosn, R, Abu Oda, S, Abubakar, A, Abutaka, A, Acevedo Fontalvo, D, Acuna, S, Adefemi, A, Adegbola, S, Adenuga, T, Adeyeye, A, Adil Hilmi, A, Adisa, A, Aditya, K, Adjeso, T, Aftab, R, Afzal, A, Aggarwal, V, Aggarwal, A, Aguilera, R, Aguilera-Arévalo, M L, Aguirre Salamanca, E J, Aguirre-Allende, I, Ahari, D, Ahmad, H, Ahmad Rauf, F, Ahmad Zartasht Khan, A, Ahmed, S, Ahmed Fieturi, N, Ahmed Mohamed, S, Ahmed-Bakhsh, Z, Ahsan Javed, M, Akano, L, Akbar, A, Akhbari, M, Akhmedov, P, Aksit, G, Akula, Y, Alagaratnam, A S, Al Majid, S, Al Mukhtar, O, Al Omran, H, AlAsali, N, Al-Azzawi, M, Al-Habsi, R, Al-Iraqi, H, Al-Naggar, H, Alameer, E, Albirnawi, H, Alderson, D, Aldulaijan, F, Alejandro Miranda Ojeda, R, AlHasan, A, Ali, S, Ali, A, Ali Khan, M, Alimova, Y, Aljanadi, F, Aljubure, R, Allopi, N, Almedbal, H, Almubarak, M, Alqaidoom, Z, Alselaim, N, Alshaar, M, Alshammari, R, Altaf, K, Altiner, S, Altunpak, B, Alvarez Lozada, L A, Amal Nahal, E, Amer, A, Amin, K, Aminu, U, Amisi Numbi, N, Amjad, T, Amoah, R, An, Y, Anastasopoulos, N A, Andrés Urrutia, J, Angarita, F, Angarita, K L, Ángel Freiría Eiras, M, Antypas, A, Anwar, M A, Anwar, H, Apampa, T O, Apostolou, K, Aquina, C, Arachchige Adithi Himika Randeni, R, Archila Godínez, M I, Arez, O, Arezzo, A A, Armonis, P, Arshad, S, Arshad Salman, M, Arshid, A, Arteaga Asensio, P C, Arthur, T, Arumuga Jothi, A, Aryo Damara, F, Asensio Gomez, L, Ashcroft, J, Ashraf, S, Asif, A, Atif, M, Attaullah Khan, M, Avellaneda, N, Awad, S, Awadh, M, Axiaq, A, Ayad Mohammed Shuwayyah, A, Ayalew, D, Aytac, E, Azam, F, Azevedo, J, Azhar, B, Aziz, J, Aziz, A, Azzam, A, Baba Ndajiwo, A, Baig, M, Baker, D, Bakko, F, Balachandran, R, Balachandran, G, Balagizi Mudekereza, J, Balai, E, Balci, B, Balduzzi, A, Balhareth, A, Bandyopadhyay, S, Banerjee, D, Bangalore Mahalinga, D, Bankhead-Kendall, B, Bankole, N D A, Banwell, V, Baris Bengur, F, Baris Ozmen, B, Barnard, M, Barnett, R, Barreras Espinoza, J A, Barrios, A, Bass, G, Bass, M, Bausys, A, Bavikatte, A, Bayram, J, Belousov, M, Berardi, A G, Beamish, A, Beattie, C, Belia, F, Bellato, V, Bellikatti, S, Benjamens, S, Benlice, C, Bennedsgaard, S, Bennett, S, Bentounsi, Z, Berardi, A G, Bergenfeldt, H, Bergenfelz, A, Besselink, M, Bhandoria, G, Bhangu, E, Bhatia, M, Bhatti, M T, Bilgili, Z, Bislenghi, G, Bisset, C, Biswas, S, Blake, J, Blanco, R, Boccalatte, L, Boden, R, Bojanic, C, Boland, M, Boland, P, Bollen, E, Bonci, E A, Boni, L, Booth, A, Booth, R, Borakati, A, Borunda Escudero, G E, Bosco, S J, Boström, P, Botelho de Alencar Ferreira Cruz, P, Bouchagier, K, Bouhuwaish, A, Boutros, M, Boyce, K, Boyle, C, Bradshaw, L, Brandl, A, Brar, A, Brat, G, Brenkman, H, Brennan, C, Brines, C, Brookmyre, A, Brosnan, C, Brouwers, L, Brown, A, Brown, L, Brown, C, Brown, J, Bs, V, Buksh, M, Bunani Emmanuel, M, Burbano, D, Burelli, A, Burke, A, Burke, J, Burlov, N, Burns, A, Burton, O, Butt, A, Buzra Ozkan, B, Cabrera Silva, L, Caicedo, E Y, Calderbank, T, Cambridge, W, Campelo, G, Can Tatar, O, Carbone, F, Carrano, F, Casallas, D, Casanova Portoles, D, Casciani, F, Cassimjee, I, Castaneda Ramírez, O A, Catalán, V, Caviedes, J, Cayetano, L, Ceresoli, M, Chan, M, Chan, V, Chandrasinghe, P, Chapman, S, Chaturvedi, A, Chaudhry, D, Chaudry, H, Chen, H W, Cheng, A, Chernykh, M, Cherrie, A M, Cheruiyot, I, Cheung, J, Chia, C, Chica, J, Chinai, N, Chirwa, A, Chiwaligo, J, Choi, A, Choi, J, Chowdhury, M R, Christopher, E, Christou, N, Chu, T, Chua, D, Chua, H W, Chung, C, Cihat Yildirim, A, Cillo, M, Cioffi, S, Claireaux, H, Clermonts, S, Clifford, R, Climent, M, Clynch, A, Coelen, R J, Colás-Ruiz, E, Collar, A, Collard, M, Conlon, K C, Connelly, T, Connor, K, Cook, J A, Correia de Sá, T, Coşgun Acar, N, Costa, T, Couch, D, Cowper, S, Creavin, B, Crook, B, Curell, A, D'Alessio, R, Dale, J, Damgaard Eriksen, J, Dario Martin Gonzalez, I, Darwish, A, Das, M, Das, R, Das, K, Dave, R, David, S O, Davies, T, Davis, C, Davison, S, Davletshina, V, Dawidziuk, A, Dawson, A, de Andres Crespo, M, de Berker, H, de Dieu Ngo, P, Dekker, E, de la Caridad Espinosa Luis, R, de Lacy, B, Demartines, N, de Montserrat Medina Sifuentes, A, de Silva, S, del Rio, C, Delaune, V, Dell, A, Demirbaş, I, Demirli Atici, S, Deniz Tepe, M, Derebey, M, Desai, G, Desai, M, Devarakonda, S, Deveras, N, di Franco, G, di Martino, M, di Marzo, F, Díaz, Diaz del Gobbo, G, DiazCastrillon, C, Dick, L, Dickinson, K, Diego, E, Dimasi, I, Ding, A, Dingemans, S, Dixon, L, Dixon, B, Doherty, W, Dooreemeah, D, Donohue, C, Dornseifer, M, Dossa, F, Dossou, W, Drake, T, Drami, I, Drevin, G, du Plessis, M C, Dudi-Venkata, N, Dudley, R, Duffy, S, Duklas, D, Dumbrava, B D, Duygu Avlar, F, Dworzynska, A, Ebrahim, W, Ebrahim, A, Efrén Lozada Hernández, E, Ehigie, N, el Boghdady, M, el Hasnaoui, C, el Sheikh, M, el-Hussuna, A, Eldurssi, O, Elfeki, H, Elhadi, M, Elhassan, M, Elhissi, A, Elliot, B, Elsenbroek, C, Elsolh, B, Elson, N, Eltyeb, H, Emerson, H, Emile, S H, Endalle, G, English, W, Ercisli, C, Espinosa, G, Essam Abdelraheem, M, Essangri, H, Etienne, P, Evans, M D, Evans, T, Ezeme, C, Ezzahraa, F, Fadalla, T, Fagan, J, Fahmy, M, Fairfield, C, Falade, O, Famularo, S, Faqar-Uz-Zaman, F, Farid, Y, Farooq, A, Farooq, H, Farooqui, F, Farquharson, B, Faruqi, A, Faulder, R, Faut, M, Fechner, K, Feenstra, T, Fehervari, M, Fernandez, L, Fernández Alberti, J, Ferrario, L, Field, D, Fiore, L, Fingerhut, S, Finlayson, S, Fleming, N, Fleming, C, Florial, E, Fok, M, Fokin, D, Foley, M, Forero, M P, Forgan, T, Fornasiero, M, Fowler, H, Fowler, G, Franchi, E, Franklin, L, Fredriksson, Fruhling, P, Fuentes Navarrette, G, Fülöp, A, Furtado, M, Gaarder, T, Galbraith, N, Gallagher, I T K, Gallo, G, Gana, T, Gaskin, E, Gasparini, M, Gatan, R G, Geary, E, Gelaye Wudineh, K, Gemenetzis, G, Georgi, M, Ghalige, H, Ghareeb, W, Ghatwary Tantawy, T, Ghomsi, C, Ghuman, A, Giannakis, P, Giron, F, Gjengedal, K, Gkotsis, E, Glasbey, J, Godahewa, S, Godula, D, Goffredo, P, Goh, S, Golriz, M, Gomez, L, Gomez Gomez, D, Gonzalez, R, Gonzalez, D, Gonzalez Gutierrez, E, Gopar, D, Gordini, L, Gori, A, Gortázar, S, Gousy, N, Gowda, R, Gowda, M, Gqada, J, Grechenig, M, Greer, J, Gregório, L, Grigorova, A, Grimes, H, Groot, V, Grossman, R C, Gruber, R, Grüter, A, Guest, R, Gujjuri, R, Gülçek, E, Gulcu, B, Gull, K, Gulmez, M, Gupta, V, Gutlic, A, Guven, T, Gwatirisa, T, Gwini, G, Gwodog, P, Gysling, S, Habib, M, Hafeez Bhatti, A B, Hallesmith, J, Halloran, S, Hamza Sadiq, M, Haney, C, Hanna, N, Hanna, L, Hannington, M, Harbjerg, J, Haribaskaran, D, Harran, N, Harrington, B, Harrison, E, Hasan, R, Hashmi, S, Hassan, M, Hassan, A, Haverkamp, L, Hazen, S, Heer, B, Heil, J, Helliwell, J, Henriksen, N, Henshall, D, Hermanson, M, Hermena, S, Hettiarachchi, D, Hextall, C, Hidalgo, M, Hidayat, H, Hider, A, Higgins, P, Hinchliffe, R, Hirani, D, Hirpara, D, Hisham, I, Hite, M, Hoh, S M, Holmberg, C, Hölmich, E, Holst, F, Hossam, A, Hossam Elfallal, A, Howard, P, Huaman, E, Huang, Y, Huang, L, Huang, D, Huber, T, Hugh, J, Hughes, J, Hüttner, F, Huynh, R, Hylands, A, Iannuzzi, J, Ielpo, B, Iftikhar Talib, A, Ignacio, J, Ignatavicius, P, Ike, S, Ikwu, C, Inama, M, Ing, A, Ingels, A, Isik, A, Islam, N, Ives, I J, Al-Hasan, A J M S, Perez Rivera, C J, Jácome, F, Jaffer, T, Jagiella-Lodise, O, Jain, M, Jain, K, Jakubauskas, M, Jalal, M, James, H, Jang, Y, Janssen, B, Jansson, H, Jariod-Ferrer, U M, Javanmard, H, Javed, S, Jayarajah, U, Jayasuriya, I, Je, J, Jessop, Z, Jia Lin Tang, E, Jiang, H, Jiayan, Y, Jih Huei, T, Jimenez-Rodriguez, R, Joh, D, Johnson, A, Jones, N, Jones, C, Jordan, C, José Núñez Ju, J, José Pizarro, M, Jose Salazar, C, Joseph, J, Justiniano, C, Kabir, T, Kadhum, M, Kalfountzos, C, Kalogiannaki, E, Kalyanasundaram, K, Kamarajah, S, Kamil Quraishi, M, Kanemitsu, Y, Kapila, A, Kapila, V, Karagiannidis, G, Kashif, M, Kathiravelupillai, S, Kathiravelupillai, A, Katsogridakis, E, Kaur, K, Kaur Sekhon Inderjit Singh, H, Kausur, N, Kawka, M, Keehan, G, Kehlet Watt, S, Kelly, M, Kelly, M E, Kelvin Egbuchulem, I, Kembuan, G, Khajeh, E, Khaled Elfaitur, A, Khan, M F, Khan, S, Khan, M, Khan, D, Khan, H, Khatkar, H, Khatkov, E, Khaw, R, Kim, B, Kishore Siddiraju, K, Kitua, D, Kirimtay, B, Kmezic, S, Knight, S, Koëter, T, Koh, A, Koh Hong Xiang, F, Kojo Anyomih, T, Kok, A I N, Kokelaar, R, Koliarakis, I, Kolli, S, Kong, J, König, D, Koshy, M, Kotze, P, Kourdouli, A, Kowal, M, Kraima, A, Kramer, F, Kryzauskas, M, Kuchynskyi, I, Kuemmerli, C, Kuiper, S, Kumar, S, Kumar, A, Kumar, L, Kumar, H, Kumar, N, Kumar, S, Kumar Bandyopadhyay, S, Kumar Garg, P, Kumar Venkatappa, S, Kung, J, Kural, S, Kushairi, A, Kuuzie, E, Kvietkauskas, M, Kwek, I, la, J, Lai, L, Lakpriya, S, Lam, K, Lami, M, Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I, Lapolla, P, Larsen, H, Latif, J, Laudari, U, Laurnezi, A, Lawal, A, Lawday, S, Lederhuber, H, Lednev, A, Lee, R, van Leerdam, M E, Lefevbre, G, Lesmus, M, Leyva Moraga, F A, Leyva Moraga, E, Leyva Moraga, F, Li, H L, Li, A, Li, Z, Licardie, E, Light, A, Lightner, A L, Lin, A, Lincango, E, Litta, F, Liu, H, Lofthouse, B, Londoño, M A, Lopes, R, Lopes de Freitas, R, Lopez, L, López, A I, Lopez-Gomez, J, Lopez-Pena, G, Lowe, R, Lowe, D, Lowey, M, Loy, G, Lozanovski, V, Luzon, J, Lynn, P, MacCabe, T, MacHielsen, A, Mafla Herrería, C A, Maggino, L, Mahawar, K, Mahmood, D, Mahmoud, M, Mahtani, K, Maitra, I, Maji, S, Majiet, I, Mal, L, Malherbe, J, Malhotra, K, Malkomes, P, Man, E, Manan Sheikh, A, Manjunath, S, Manzano Nuñez, R, Manzoor, S, Maqsood, R, Marchegiani, G, Marchegiani, F, Marín, D, Marin, A, Marks, I, Marson, E, Martensen, A, Martin, D, Martín Martín, G, Martin-Perez, B, Martinez, P, Marwaha, P, Mashauri, C, Mashbari, H, Masior, L, Masri, R, Masud, L, Masudi, S, Mateu Calabuig, G, Math, S, Matrachisia, A, Mayol, J, Mazingi, D, Mazzotta, A, McAlinden, J, McCabe, G, McColm, L, McElvaney, H, McGivern, K, McGovern, J, McGuinness, E, McInerney, N, McKay, S, McKee, C, McKenna, M, McKenna, N, McLean, K, Mediratta, S, Medkova, Y, Medzhidov, O, Mehraj, A, Mekhael, M, Mekinde, O, Mellenthin, C, Melucci, A, Mentor, K, Merchant, J, Messias, H, Messeha, M, Meza, C, Mhango, P, Miladinov, M, Milagros Niquen Jimenez, M, Miller, P, Mills, E, Milton, A, Minayeva, O A, MinHua Zheng, Z, Mischlinger, H, Möckli, B, Modi, R, Mohamed, H M, Mohamed, M, Mohamed Abulghasm, T, Mohammad, S A, Mohammed, T O, Mohammed, A, Mohan, H, Mohan, M, Moin, I, Mok, V, Molina, G, Moloney, J, Moneim, J, Monfort Mira, M, Montcusí Ventura, B, Montouri, M, Moossdorff, M, Mora-Guzmán, I, Moran, B, Morán, R A R, Moreno-Ordaz, S, Morera, Morgan, R, Morley, R, Moro-Valdezate, D, Moros, S, Moss, J L, Morven, A, Morton, D, Moynihan, A, Moyón, M, Muduli, N, Mugla, N, Mugla, W, Müller, P, Mun, G, Mundhada, R, Munir, I, Muñoz, F, Muñoz, E, Muñoz, A, Muñoz Balderas, D C, Murgitroyd, E, Murray, V, Murthy, S, Mushiwokufa, W, Mustafa, H, Mustakimov, B, Mutambanengwe, P, Myint, P, Nadkarni, S, Naess, P A, Nahar, S, Naidoo, P, Nam, R, Nandhra, S, Nanjappa, N, Narasimhan, V, Nardi, W, Nasir, M, Naughton, A, Naumann, D, Navarro, S, Nawaaz Karimbocus, M, Nazir, A, Ndereya, S, Ndong, A, Negoi, I, Nel, D, Nelson, D, Nepal, S, Nugent, T, Nepogodiev, D, Neufeld, J, Ng, J, Ng, D, Ng, C E, Ng, J, Ngaserin, S, Ngu, L, Ngwenya, E, Fhearaigh, R N, Nikolousakis, T K, Ninkovic, M, Nita, G, Nitschke, C, Noren, E, Noton, T, Novikova, A, Nowinka, Z, Nugent, T, Nyakunengwa, T, Nyalundja, A, Nzenwa, I, Kristensen, H, O'Brien, C, O'Brien, L, O'Brien, S, O'Reilly, J, O'Rourke, S, O'Sullivan, M, O'Dwyer, M, Ochieng, L, Oderoha, E, Oh, K E, Öhlberger, L, Ölçüm, M, Olkina, A, Omkumar, M, Omnitel, B, Oncel Yakar, D, Ong, K, Ong Wei Lin, L, Ooi, R, Ooi, S, Oomman, A, Oon Tyjet, D, Opiyo, S, Oscullo Yepez, J J, Osei-Kuffour, N, Osunronbi, T, Ottlakán, A, Oussama Kacimi, S, Ovaere, S, Ozair, A, Pachler, F, Pai Oo, S, Paiella, S, Panaiotti, L, Panda, N, Pandarinath, S, Pandey, D, Pandrowala, S, Papa Mamadou, F, Paranathala, M, Park, J, Parmar, C, Parvez, A, Pasovic, L, Pasquer, A, Pasumarthy, N, Pata, F, Patel, T, Patel, P, Patel, N, Patel, M, Patel, P, Patron Uriburu, N, Patrone, R, Paul, A, Pavan Kumar, O M, Pavithran, A, Pedraza Ciro, M, Pellino, G, Peloso, A, Peña Gallardo, M T, Pena Velazquez, A, Perea, J, Pérez-Sánchez, L E, Perra, T, Perrotta, G, Petersson, P, Petra, G, Petrucciani, N, Pickin, C, Pino, V, Pinotti, E, Pinto, F, Plum, P, Podesta, F, Pollini, T, Pompeu Sá, M, Ponce Leon, F, Ponniah, H S, Ponte de Sousa, X, Ponton, J, Pontula, A, Popa, M, Portilla, A L, Posner, F, Post, S, Potolicchio, A, Pouwels, S, Povo, A, Prasad, P, Preciado, S, Preece, R, Proud, D, Pulido Segura, J A, Puliyath, N, Qui, M, Quimbaya Rodríguez, A S, Raby-Smith, W, Racoviţa, A, Rad, A, Radwan, R, Rafaih Iqbal, M, Rafik, A, Raguan, B, Rahi, M, Rahiri, J L, Rahme, J, Rai, L, Raj, A, Raj Saksena, A, Raja, M, Ramirez, J, Ramzi, J, Ranstam, J, Rao, C, Rashid, A, Ratnayake, B, Rattanasirivilai, K, Raubenheimer, K, Ravikumar, N, Ravn, S, Razoz, N, Rea, W, Regan, A, Rela, M, Remme, A, Rey Chaves, C E, Reyes, A, Riad, A, Rice, D, Rios Quintana, K, Ritter, A, Roalsø, M, Robinson, D, Rodriguez, J, Rodríguez, F, Rodriguez, M C, Rogers, A, Rohila, J, Romanyuc, D, Romic, I, Rommaneh, M, Rompianesi, G, Rosa, F, Roscio, F, Rose, A, Rotimi, T, Ruiz, H, Ruiz Yucuma, J, Ruiz-Úcar, E, Ruslan, M, Rutegård, M, Ryan Harper, E, Ryckx, A, Rydbeck, D, Sá-Marta, E, Sadien, I, Safari Nteranya, D, Sagoo, K, Sakata, S, Saladino, E, Saleem, A, Saleem, S, Salehi, M, Salih, S, Sallinen, V, Salvans, S, Sam, Z H, Samadov, E, Sampaio Alves, M, Sanad, A, Sánchez Fonseca, S, Sanchez Teran, A, Sanchez Ussa, S, Sandli, O, Sanfey, H, Sanghera, J, Sani, I, Santafe Guerrero, M, Sante Fornasiero, M, Santes Jasso, O, Santos Pereira, I, Santos Sousa, H, Saratzis, A, Sarmiento Alarcon, A, Saumtally, T, Sayyed, R, Schettino, M, Schleimer, L, Schmidt, T, Schondffelt, K, Schwab, M, Scott, A, Searle, H, Sebopelo, L, Seeglier, B, Seishima, R, Semenvov, D, Senent-Boza, A, Sepulveda, J, Serenari, M, Serrano Navidad, M, Sert, I, Sewart, E, Sgrò, A, Shadrina, V, Shah, K, Shahid, F, Shalaby, M, Shankar, B, Shapiro, J, Sharma, L, Sheel, A, Shenfine, A, Shenoy, S, Sherif, A, Shetty, N, Shetty, R, Sia, T C, Sichimba, D, Siddique, H, Siddiqui, I, Simkens, G, Simoe, J, Simon, H, Sinan, L, Singh, T, Singh, K, Singh, Y, Sinha, L, Siragusa, L, Sluckin, T, Smart, Y W, Smith, H, Smith, K, Smits, L, Sneep-van Kessel, C, Sohrabi, C, Solórzano Pineda, O, Soma, A, Sooriyapiragasam, L, Søreide, K, Sparavigna, M, Spence, R, Spencer, N, Spiers, H, Spinelli, A, Sprakel, J, Sravanam, S, Srinivasan, M, Srinivasan, R, Staniszewska, A, Stanworth, S J, Stasinos, K, Steele, R J C, Steinholt, I, Steinruecke, M, Stephen, B J, Stijns, J, Still, M, Stupalkowska, W, Subba, S, Subbotin, V V, Sucharitkul, P, Sudarsanam, A, Sudhamsh Reddy, D, Suhardja, T, Suliman, M, Sund, M, Sunilkumar, A, Suresh, N, Sussmes, S, Sutton, P, Syltern, J, Taha, A, Takamizawa, Y, Takoutsing Dongmo, A B, Tamás, T, Tan, L, Tan, J L, Tan, K, Tan, E, Tan Yong Hui, A, Tanase, A, Tariverdiev, A, Tasnem, A, Tatar, C, Tay, E, Tejedor, P, Tesfaye, G, Tetinou, F, Thorpe, C, Thyø, A, Tlelo Amastal, D, Tolani, M, Tolga Saracoglu, K, Tölgyes, T, Tong, J, Torrent Jansà, L, Toscano Igartua, S, Tovani Palone, M R, Traff, H, Trevis, J, Tummers, W, Tur, A, Turchenko, I, Uche, V, Uddin, A, Udonsak, N, Ullah, M, Urbonas, T, Uwins, C, Uy Magadia, E, Uzair Qureshi, A, Uzun, K, Vadim, P, Valarche, G, Valdez Gonzalez, R A, Vallee, M, van Beek, D J, van Dalen, A S, van den Hondel, D, van der Stok, E, van Dorp, M, van Oostendorp, S, van Praag, E, van Rees, J, van Silfhout, L, Varga, Z, Varghese, S, Varghese, C, Varghese, J, Vasilica, A M, Vásquez Ojeda, X, Vega, E, Vehler, S, Venchiarutti, R, Vengatesan, S, Venn, M, Verma, D, Vianey Partida Nava, G, Victoria, D, Vieira, P, Vilar Alvarez, M E, Vinci, D, Viscasillas Pallàs, G, Viswanath, M, Vivanco, J, Vizcaya Rodríguez, V, Vo, J, Volchanski, D, Voron, T, Voronovskyi, Y, Vu, J, Wadhwa, M, Wadhwa, S, Wagner, G, Wallace, M, Wang, Y Y, Wang, J, Wani, A, Wanigasooriya, K, Wanjara, S, Wanjiku, N, Warner, C, Wei Leow, T, Weiser, T, Weisters, M, Wellington, M J, Wells, C, Wenzelberg, C, Wettstein, D, Wezel, A, Wheldon, L, Widmer, L, Wilson, M, Wigmore, S, Wijayaratne, T, Wijeyaratne, M, Wijnhoven, B P L, Wilkin, R, Williams, E, Willis, F, Winter, D, Wirsik, M M, Wishah, B, Wong, G, Wong, W J, Wong, K, Wong, K Y, Worku, D, Wright, E, Wright, J, Wroe Wright, O, Xenacki, S, Xia, W, Xu, W, Xu, Z, Yalcinkaya, A, Yang, W, Yang, P C, Yanishev, A, Yanzon de la Torre, A, Yao, H, Yaqoob, E, Yen Ling Quake, S, Yeo, D, Yeom, B, Yershov, D, Yiasemidou, M, Yildiz, A, Yiu, A, Yoav, M, Yong, E, Yoshimura, R, Younis, M U, Younis Ringshawl, Z, Youssef, M, Yue, Y, Yuen, S, Yuldashev, R, Yurttas, C, Yves, B, Zaborowski, A, Zackeri, R, Zafar, A, Zahra, W, Zaidi, A, Zainudin, S, Zakeri, R, Zamora, I, Zamora, A T, Zawistowski, M, Zbikowska, G, Zegers, W, Zehra, S, Zeyra, A, Zhagniyev, Z, Zhukova, L G, Zivanovic, M, Zmuc, J, Zope, M, Zubayraeva, A & Zucker, B 2021, ' BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19 ', British Journal of Surgery, vol. 108, no. 10, pp. 1162-1180 . https://doi.org/10.1093/bjs/znab307
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    The impact of stapling technique and surgeon specialism on anastomotic failure after right-sided colorectal resection: an international multicentre, prospective audit
    by Glasbey, Jc; Nepogodiev, D; Battersby, N; Bhangu, A; El-Hussuna, A, et al. 
    Colorectal Disease, 20, 11, pp. 1028-1040
    Colorectal Disease, Vol. 20, No 11 (2018) pp. 1028-1040
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group, Mirza, Q, Overgaard Støvring, J & Qvist, N 2018, ' The impact of stapling technique and surgeon specialism on anastomotic failure after right-sided colorectal resection : an international multicentre, prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1028-1040 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14308
    Colorectal disease, 20(11), 1028-1040. Wiley-Blackwell
    Colorectal Disease, 20, 1028-1040
    Bernstein, I, Sunesen, K G, Leunbach, J, Thorlacius-Ussing, O, Ovesen, A U & 2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group 2018, ' The impact of stapling technique and surgeon specialism on anastomotic failure after right-sided colorectal resection : an international multicentre, prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1028-1040 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14308
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group 2018, ' The impact of stapling technique and surgeon specialism on anastomotic failure after right-sided colorectal resection: an international multicentre, prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1028-1040 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14308
  • 7 .
    Patients with Crohn's disease have longer post-operative in-hospital stay than patients with colon cancer but no difference in complications' rate
    by Dich Grandt, S; El-Hussuna, A; Frasson, M; Singh, B; Gallo, G, et al. 
    World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
    World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 11, 261-270
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2019, ' Patients with Crohn's disease have longer post-operative in-hospital stay than patients with colon cancer but no difference in complications' rate ', World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery . https://doi.org/10.4240/wjgs.v11.i5.261
    World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 11, 5, pp. 261-270
    World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Vol. 11, No 5 (2019) pp. 261-270
    El-Hussuna, A, Mortensen, R N, Frasson, M, Singh, B, Gallo, G, Pata, F, Negoi, I, ESCP Cohort Studies Committee, ESCP Research Committee & 2015 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2019, ' Patients with Crohn's disease have longer post-operative in-hospital stay than patients with colon cancer but no difference in complications' rate ', World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 261-270 . https://doi.org/10.4240/wjgs.v11.i5.261
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group, El-Hussuna, A, Grandt, S D, Mortensen, R N & Qvist, N 2019, ' Patients with Crohn's disease have longer post-operative in-hospital stay than patients with colon cancer but no difference in complications' rate ', World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 261-270 . https://doi.org/10.4240/wjgs.v11.i5.261
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    An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME)
    by Bhangu, Aneel; Minaya-Bravo, Ana María; Gallo, Gaetano; Glasbey, James C.; Kamarajah, Sivesh, et al. 
    2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, pp. 33-46 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14376
    El-Hussuna, A, Ceccotti, A A, Madsbøll, T, Straarup, D, Ovesen, A U & 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. Suppl. 6, pp. 33-46 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14376
    Colorectal disease, 20, 33-46. Wiley-Blackwell
  • 7 .
    The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery: an international, multicentre prospective audit
    by van der Pool, Anne; Rawlings, Alexandra; Sánchez-Guillén, Luis; Kuiper, Sara; Negoi, Ionut, et al. 
    Christensen, P & 2017 and 2015 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating groups 2018, ' The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery an international, multicentre prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20 Suppl 6, pp. 69-89 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14371
    El-Hussuna, A, Ceccotti, A A, Madsbøll, T K, Straarup, D, Ovesen, A U & 2017 and 2015 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating groups 2018, ' The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery : an international, multicentre prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. Suppl 6, pp. 69-89 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14371
    Colorectal disease, 20, 69-89. Wiley-Blackwell
    Colorectal Disease, 20, 69-89. Wiley
  • 7 .
    Risk factors for unfavourable postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn's disease undergoing right hemicolectomy or ileocaecal resection. An international audit by ESCP and S-ECCO
    by El-Hussuna, A.; Pinkney, T.; Zmora, O.; Frasson, M.; Bhangu, A., et al. 
    El-Hussuna, A, Mortensen, R N & 2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group 2018, ' Risk factors for unfavourable postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn's disease undergoing right hemicolectomy or ileocaecal resection. An international audit by ESCP and S-ECCO ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 219-227 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.13889
    Colorectal disease, 20(3), 219-227. Wiley-Blackwell
    2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group 2018, ' Risk factors for unfavourable postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn's disease undergoing right hemicolectomy or ileocaecal resection. An international audit by ESCP and S-ECCO ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 219-227 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.13889
  • 7 .
    Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit
    by The 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group; Blanco-Colino; Kelly; Singh; Bhangu, et al. 
    El-Hussuna, A, Ceccotti, A A, Madsbøll, T K, Straarup, D, Ovesen, A U & 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection : an international, multi-centre, prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. Suppl. 6, pp. 15-32 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14362
    Christensen, P & 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20 Suppl 6, pp. 15-32 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14362
  • 7 .
    Evaluating the incidence of pathological complete response in current international rectal cancer practice: the barriers to widespread safe deferral of surgery
    by Battersby, Nick; Glasbey, James C.; Neary, Peter; Negoi, Ionut; Kamarajah, Sivesh, et al. 
    El-Hussuna, A, Ceccotti, A A, Madsbøll, T K, Straarup, D, Ovesen, A U & 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' Evaluating the incidence of pathological complete response in current international rectal cancer practice : the barriers to widespread safe deferral of surgery ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20, no. Suppl. 6, pp. 58-68 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14361
    Christensen, P & 2017 European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) collaborating group 2018, ' Evaluating the incidence of pathological complete response in current international rectal cancer practice: the barriers to widespread safe deferral of surgery ', Colorectal Disease, vol. 20 Suppl 6, pp. 58-68 . https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14361
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