

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 4건 | 목록 1~10

  • 1 .
    The ESC-EORP EURO-ENDO (European Infective Endocarditis) registry
    by Habib G.; Lancellotti P.; Erba P. -A.; Sadeghpour A.; Meshaal M., et al. 
    European heart journal-Quality of care and clinical outcomes, 5(3), 202-207. Oxford University Press
    European Heart Journal-Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2019, Pages 202-207
    European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes, Vol. 5, no. 3, p. 202-207 (2019)
    European Heart Journal. Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes
    European Heart Journal. Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, 2019, 5 (3), pp.202-207. ⟨10.1093/ehjqcco/qcz018⟩
    European heart journal-Quality of care & clinical outcomes, 5(3), 202-207. Oxford University Press
    UCrea Repositorio Abierto de la Universidad de Cantabria
    Universidad de Cantabria (UC)
    European Heart Journal-Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, 5(3), 202
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    Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network
    by Grapotte M.; Saraswat M.; Bessiere C.; Menichelli C.; Ramilowski J. A., et al. 
    Nature communications, vol 12, iss 1
    Nature Communications
    Nature Communications, 2021, 12, pp.1-18/3297. ⟨10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7⟩
    Nature communications, 12(1):3297. Nature Publishing Group
    Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2021, 12, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7⟩
    Nature Communications, Vol 12, Iss 1, Pp 1-18 (2021)
    Grapotte, M, Saraswat, M, Bessière, C, Menichelli, C, Ramilowski, J A, Severin, J, Hayashizaki, Y, Itoh, M, Tagami, M, Murata, M, Kojima-Ishiyama, M, Noma, S, Noguchi, S, Kasukawa, T, Hasegawa, A, Suzuki, H, Nishiyori-Sueki, H, Frith, M C, Abugessaisa, I, Aitken, S, Aken, B L, Alam, I, Alam, T, Alasiri, R, Alhendi, A M N, Alinejad-Rokny, H, Alvarez, M J, Andersson, R, Arakawa, T, Araki, M, Arbel, T, Bornholdt, J, Boyd, M, Chen, Y, Coskun, M, Dalby, M, Ienasescu, H, Jørgensen, M, Kaczkowski, B, Kere, J, Li, K, Lilje, B, Nepal, C, Nguyen, Q H, Nielsen, L K, Rennie, S, Sandelin, A, Valen, E, Vitezic, M, Vitting-Seerup, K & FANTOM Consortium 2021, ' Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network ', Nature Communications, vol. 12, 3297 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7
    Grapotte, Mathys; Saraswat, Manu; Bessière, Chloé; Menichelli, Christophe; Ramilowski, Jordan A; Severin, Jessica; Hayashizaki, Yoshihide; Itoh, Masayoshi; Tagami, Michihira; Murata, Mitsuyoshi; Kojima-Ishiyama, Miki; Noma, Shohei; Noguchi, Shuhei; Kasukawa, Takeya; Hasegawa, Akira; Suzuki, Harukazu; Nishiyori-Sueki, Hiromi; Frith, Martin C; Chatelain, Clément; Carninci, Piero; ... (2021). Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network. Nature communications, 12(1), p. 3297. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7
    Grapotte, M, Saraswat, M, Bessière, C, Menichelli, C, Ramilowski, J A, Severin, J, Hayashizaki, Y, Itoh, M, Tagami, M, Murata, M, Kojima-ishiyama, M, Noma, S, Noguchi, S, Kasukawa, T, Hasegawa, A, Suzuki, H, Nishiyori-sueki, H, Frith, M, Abugessaisa, I, Aitken, S, Aken, B L, Alam, I, Alam, T, Alasiri, R, Alhendi, A M N, Alinejad-rokny, H, Alvarez, M J, Andersson, R, Arakawa, T, Araki, M, Arbel, T, Archer, J, Archibald, A L, Arner, E, Arner, P, Asai, K, Ashoor, H, Astrom, G, Babina, M, Baillie, J K, Bajic, V B, Bajpai, A, Baker, S, Baldarelli, R M, Balic, A, Bansal, M, Batagov, A O, Batzoglou, S, Beckhouse, A G, Beltrami, A P, Beltrami, C A, Bertin, N, Bhattacharya, S, Bickel, P J, Blake, J A, Blanchette, M, Bodega, B, Bonetti, A, Bono, H, Bornholdt, J, Bttcher, M, Bougouffa, S, Boyd, M, Breda, J, Brombacher, F, Brown, J B, Bult, C J, Burroughs, A M, Burt, D W, Busch, A, Caglio, G, Califano, A, Cameron, C J, Cannistraci, C V, Carbone, A, Carlisle, A J, Carninci, P, Carter, K W, Cesselli, D, Chang, J, Chen, J C, Chen, Y, Chierici, M, Christodoulou, J, Ciani, Y, Clark, E L, Coskun, M, Dalby, M, Dalla, E, Daub, C O, Davis, C A, De Hoon, M J L, De Rie, D, Denisenko, E, Deplancke, B, Detmar, M, Deviatiiarov, R, Di Bernardo, D, Diehl, A D, Dieterich, L C, Dimont, E, Djebali, S, Dohi, T, Dostie, J, Drablos, F, Edge, A S B, Edinger, M, Ehrlund, A, Ekwall, K, Elofsson, A, Endoh, M, Enomoto, H, Enomoto, S, Faghihi, M, Fagiolini, M, Farach-carson, M C, Faulkner, G J, Favorov, A, Fernandes, A M, Ferrai, C, Forrest, A R R, Forrester, L M, Forsberg, M, Fort, A, Francescatto, M, Freeman, T C, Frith, M, Fukuda, S, Funayama, M, Furlanello, C, Furuno, M, Furusawa, C, Gao, H, Gazova, I, Gebhard, C, Geier, F, Geijtenbeek, T B H, Ghosh, S, Ghosheh, Y, Gingeras, T R, Gojobori, T, Goldberg, T, Goldowitz, D, Gough, J, Greco, D, Gruber, A J, Guhl, S, Guigo, R, Guler, R, Gusev, O, Gustincich, S, Ha, T J, Haberle, V, Hale, P, Hallstrom, B M, Hamada, M, Handoko, L, Hara, M, Harbers, M, Harrow, J, Harshbarger, J, Hase, T, Hasegawa, A, Hashimoto, K, Hatano, T, Hattori, N, Hayashi, R, Hayashizaki, Y, Herlyn, M, Hettne, K, Heutink, P, Hide, W, Hitchens, K J, Sui, S H, ’t Hoen, P A C, Hon, C C, Hori, F, Horie, M, Horimoto, K, Horton, P, Hou, R, Huang, E, Huang, Y, Hugues, R, Hume, D, Ienasescu, H, Iida, K, Ikawa, T, Ikemura, T, Ikeo, K, Inoue, N, Ishizu, Y, Ito, Y, Itoh, M, Ivshina, A V, Jankovic, B R, Jenjaroenpun, P, Johnson, R, Jorgensen, M, Jorjani, H, Joshi, A, Jurman, G, Kaczkowski, B, Kai, C, Kaida, K, Kajiyama, K, Kaliyaperumal, R, Kaminuma, E, Kanaya, T, Kaneda, H, Kapranov, P, Kasianov, A S, Kasukawa, T, Katayama, T, Kato, S, Kawaguchi, S, Kawai, J, Kawaji, H, Kawamoto, H, Kawamura, Y I, Kawasaki, S, Kawashima, T, Kempfle, J S, Kenna, T J, Kere, J, Khachigian, L, Kiryu, H, Kishima, M, Kitajima, H, Kitamura, T, Kitano, H, Klaric, E, Klepper, K, Klinken, S P, Kloppmann, E, Knox, A J, Kodama, Y, Kogo, Y, Kojima, M, Kojima, S, Komatsu, N, Komiyama, H, Kono, T, Koseki, H, Koyasu, S, Kratz, A, Kukalev, A, Kulakovskiy, I, Kundaje, A, Kunikata, H, Kuo, R, Kuo, T, Kuraku, S, Kuznetsov, V A, Kwon, T J, Larouche, M, Lassmann, T, Law, A, Le-cao, K, Lecellier, C, Lee, W, Lenhard, B, Lennartsson, A, Li, K, Li, R, Lilje, B, Lipovich, L, Lizio, M, Lopez, G, Magi, S, Mak, G K, Makeev, V, Manabe, R, Mandai, M, Mar, J, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, T, Mason, E, Mathelier, A, Matsuda, H, Medvedeva, Y A, Meehan, T F, Mejhert, N, Meynert, A, Mikami, N, Minoda, A, Miura, H, Miyagi, Y, Miyawaki, A, Mizuno, Y, Morikawa, H, Morimoto, M, Morioka, M, Morishita, S, Moro, K, Motakis, E, Motohashi, H, Mukarram, A K, Mummery, C L, Mungall, C J, Murakawa, Y, Muramatsu, M, Murata, M, Nagasaka, K, Nagase, T, Nakachi, Y, Nakahara, F, Nakai, K, Nakamura, K, Nakamura, Y, Nakamura, Y, Nakazawa, T, Nason, G P, Nepal, C, Nguyen, Q H, Nielsen, L K, Nishida, K, Nishiguchi, K M, Nishiyori, H, Nitta, K, Noguchi, S, Noma, S, Notredame, C, Ogishima, S, Ohkura, N, Ohno, H, Ohshima, M, Ohtsu, T, Okada, Y, Okada-hatakeyama, M, Okazaki, Y, Oksvold, P, Orlando, V, Ow, G S, Ozturk, M, Pachkov, M, Paparountas, T, Parihar, S P, Park, S, Pascarella, G, Passier, R, Persson, H, Philippens, I H, Piazza, S, Plessy, C, Pombo, A, Ponten, F, Poulain, S, Poulsen, T M, Pradhan, S, Prezioso, C, Pridans, C, Qin, X, Quackenbush, J, Rackham, O, Ramilowski, J, Ravasi, T, Rehli, M, Rennie, S, Rito, T, Rizzu, P, Robert, C, Roos, M, Rost, B, Roudnicky, F, Roy, R, Rye, M B, Sachenkova, O, Saetrom, P, Sai, H, Saiki, S, Saito, M, Saito, A, Sakaguchi, S, Sakai, M, Sakaue, S, Sakaue-sawano, A, Sandelin, A, Sano, H, Sasamoto, Y, Sato, H, Saxena, A, Saya, H, Schafferhans, A, Schmeier, S, Schmidl, C, Schmocker, D, Schneider, C, Schueler, M, Schultes, E A, Schulze-tanzil, G, Semple, C A, Seno, S, Seo, W, Sese, J, Severin, J, Sheng, G, Shi, J, Shimoni, Y, Shin, J W, Simonsanchez, J, Sivertsson, A, Sjostedt, E, Soderhall, C, Laurent, G S, Stoiber, M H, Sugiyama, D, Summers, K M, Suzuki, A M, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, M, Suzuki, N, Suzuki, T, Swanson, D J, Swoboda, R K, Tagami, M, Taguchi, A, Takahashi, H, Takahashi, M, Takamochi, K, Takeda, S, Takenaka, Y, Tam, K T, Tanaka, H, Tanaka, R, Tanaka, Y, Tang, D, Taniuchi, I, Tanzer, A, Tarui, H, Taylor, M S, Terada, A, Terao, Y, Testa, A C, Thomas, M, Thongjuea, S, Tomii, K, Triglia, E T, Toyoda, H, Tsang, H G, Tsujikawa, M, Uhlén, M, Valen, E, Van De Wetering, M, Van Nimwegen, E, Velmeshev, D, Verardo, R, Vitezic, M, Vitting-seerup, K, Von Feilitzen, K, Voolstra, C R, Vorontsov, I E, Wahlestedt, C, Wasserman, W W, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, S, Wells, C A, Winteringham, L N, Wolvetang, E, Yabukami, H, Yagi, K, Yamada, T, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamamoto, M, Yamamoto, Y, Yamamoto, Y, Yamanaka, Y, Yano, K, Yasuzawa, K, Yatsuka, Y, Yo, M, Yokokura, S, Yoneda, M, Yoshida, E, Yoshida, Y, Yoshihara, M, Young, R, Young, R S, Yu, N Y, Yumoto, N, Zabierowski, S E, Zhang, P G, Zucchelli, S, Zwahlen, M, Chatelain, C, Carninci, P, De Hoon, M J L, Wasserman, W W, Bréhélin, L & Lecellier, C 2021, ' Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network ', Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7
    Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2021, 12 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41467-021-23143-7⟩
    Nature Communications, 12 (1)
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    Obeticholic acid for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: interim analysis from a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial
    by Zobair M Younossi; Vlad Ratziu; Rohit Loomba; Mary Rinella; Quentin M Anstee, et al. 
    REGENERATE Study Investigators 2019, ' Obeticholic acid for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis : interim analysis from a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial ', The Lancet, vol. 394, no. 10215, pp. 2184-2196 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)33041-7
    The lancet : international edition
    Younossi, Z M, Ratziu, V, Loomba, R, Rinella, M, Anstee, Q M, Goodman, Z, Bedossa, P, Geier, A, Beckebaum, S, Newsome, P N, Sheridan, D, Sheikh, M Y, Trotter, J, Knapple, W, Lawitz, E, Abdelmalek, M F, Kowdley, K V, Montano-Loza, A J, Boursier, J, Mathurin, P, Bugianesi, E, Mazzella, G, Olveira, A, Cortez-Pinto, H, Graupera, I, Orr, D, Gluud, L L, Dufour, J-F, Shapiro, D, Campagna, J, Zaru, L, MacConell, L, Shringarpure, R, Harrison, S, Sanyal, A J & REGENERATE Study Investigators 2019, ' Obeticholic acid for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis : interim analysis from a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial ', The Lancet, vol. 394, no. 10215, pp. 2184-2196 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)33041-7
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