

'학술논문' 에서의 검색결과 6건 | 목록 1~10

  • 1 .
    Association of COVID-19 vaccines ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 with major venous, arterial, or thrombocytopenic events: whole population cohort study in 46 million adults in England
    by William N, Whiteley; Samantha, Ip; Jennifer A, Cooper; Thomas, Bolton; Spencer, Keene, et al. 
    Whiteley, W N 2022, ' Association of COVID-19 vaccines ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 with major venous, arterial, or thrombocytopenic events : A population-based cohort study of 46 million adults in England ', PLoS Medicine, vol. 19, no. 2, e1003926 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003926
    Whiteley, W N, Ip, S, Cooper, J A, Bolton, T, Keene, S, Walker, V, Denholm, R, Akbari, A, Omigie, E, Hollings, S, Di Angelantonio, E, Denaxas, S, Wood, A, Sterne, J A C, Sudlow, C & Cannegieter, S C (ed.) 2022, ' Association of COVID-19 vaccines ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 with major venous, arterial, or thrombocytopenic events: A population-based cohort study of 46 million adults in England ', PLoS Medicine, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. e1003926 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003926
  • 7 .
    Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies
    by Pennells, Lisa; Kaptoge, Stephen; Wood, Angela; Sweeting, Mike; Zhao, Xiaohui, et al. 
    European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. Oxford University Press
    Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Volzke, H, Cooper, C, Ibanez, A M, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundstrom, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Bjorkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engstrom, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Camara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N, D'Agostino, R B S, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Tipping, R W, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Knuiman, M W, Whincup, P H, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Tikhonoff, V, Casiglia, E, Sutherland, S E, Nietert, P J, Cushman, M, Psaty, B M, Sogaard, A J, Haheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Palmieri, L, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, de la Camara, A G, Herrera, M A R, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Guralnik, J, Khaw, K-T, Wareham, N, Schottker, B, Saum, K-U, Holleczek, B, Nissinen, A, Tolonen, H, Giampaoli, S, Donfrancesco, C, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, D'Agostino, R B S, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Rosengren, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Bjorkelund, C, Lissner, L, Nagel, D, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Rodriguez, B, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Goldbourt, U, Salomaa, V, Vartiainen, E, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T-P, Salonen, J T, Visser, M, Deeg, D J H, Meade, T, Nilsson, P M, Hedblad, B, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Sattar, N, Watt, G, Meisinger, C, Koenig, W, Verschuren, M, Rosengren, A, Kuller, L H, Tverdal, A, Gillum, R F, Cooper, J A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Ducimetiere, P, Bakker, S J L, van der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Crespo, C J, Amouyel, P, Dallongeville, J, Assmann, G, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, van der Schouw, Y T, Despres, J-P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Khaw, K-T, Trevisan, M, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Volzke, H, Howard, B V, Zhang, Y, Jolly, S, Gallacher, J, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yuksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Njølstad, I, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Ridker, P M, Gaziano, J M, Kivimaki, M, Shipley, M, Brunner, E J, Arndt, V, Brenner, H, Cook, N, Ridker, P M, Ford, I, Sattar, N, Ibanez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    European Heart Journal
    Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Nordestgaard, B G, Jørgensen, T, Di Angelantonio, E, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Jespersen, J & Bladbjerg, E-M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    European Heart Journal 40 (2019) 7
    Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Van Der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, Gómez De La Cámara, A, Wouter Jukema, J, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Monique Verschuren, W M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Tikhonoff, V, Sutherland, S E, Cushman, M, Søgaard, A J, Håheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, De La Cámara, A G, Rubio Herrera, M A, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Wareham, N, Schöttker, B, Saum, K U, Holleczek, B, Tolonen, H, Vartiainen, E, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Lissner, L, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T P, Salonen, J T, Deeg, D J H, Nilsson, P M, Bo, H, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Watt, G, Verschuren, W M M, Tverdal, A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Bakker, S J L, Van Der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Dallongeville, J, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, Després, J P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, Van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Howard, B V, Ying, Z, Jolly, S, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yüksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Gaziano, J M, Shipley, M, Arndt, V, Ibañez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : Individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631
    European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631. Oxford University Press
    European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. OXFORD UNIV PRESS
    2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    Pennells, L, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G & Di Angelantonio, E 2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Cámara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621–631 . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B R G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Visser, M, Dekker, J M, Gansevoort, R T, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 . https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653
    European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621. Oxford University Press
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